I got a nice camera for Christmas. It's a Panasonic 12MP Lumix, if that means anything to anyone.
SO I took some pictures of stuff!
This is me, in all my majestic glory. Hi.
I got a lot of books for Santa Day.
I also have a healthy collection of books already. That's not all of them but the rest are kind of scattered around. A big part of the next week will be cleaning.
I got some dominoes. I'm sure they will provide me with fun a few times
My dad got me a Lego Bionicle guy for christmas. Because he is a dork.
I got a new calender. I end up getting one of these things every year: beautifully framed and composed photographs combined with quotes about the futility of life. Fun stuff. I have a strict policy of not looking at each month until I actually get to that month.
That's all I have so far. As you can see, I'm still learning how to take non blurry pictures.