Well Prof did his minecraft tour and I realized I couldn't let you all think that he's the only one making cool stuff. So I'm showing off a bit too.
We start off with my lovely little home: pictured is my storage chest and my two furnaces, currently burning sand into glass. Directly to the left is my crafting block, which you can see the corner of, and my box of rocks in the other room. You get a lot of rock in this game, and I am loathe to throw anything away.
If you head to the right, you'll find a series of connected rooms, some of which have partial glass walls like this one.
Or this one. Why would I build my windows like this?
Because my home is built into a hill!
The biggest visual impact I've made on the landscape itself is digging out these beaches. I need a LOT of sand for what I'm working on, which I will get to in a bit.
Here's my front door and flower garden.
Back inside! We have reached the main shaft of the interior of the hill. The stairs to the right lead to the hilltop, the stairs to the left lead down to the bowels of the earth.
Going down first, you pass 6 or 7 unremarkable rooms before coming upon this door. Why did I build a door way down here?
CAVES. Caves as far as the eye can see, and then much further, since it's very dark down here. Prof mentioned caves, and how he's died in them many times. The only reason I haven't is because normally when I stumble upon one, I flee in horror, sometimes sealing the way off behind me. The only reason I haven't done the same for this one?
Lava! I will be needing lava for some future projects. Away from this dark and terrible place.
This is a strange viewpoint of my hilltop. I have placed torches everywhere because monsters only spawn in the darkness. This way even during the night, my shit is SAFE.
The only way up here other than through the tunnels previously pictured is here, and I have walled that off. SAFE.
Anyways. This is the big thing. I don't have nearly as much random crap as Prof because almost all my energy has gone into one project. Let's take a gander why don't we?
I give you, the great glass light house (Unfortunately being partially obscured by a cloud. I would have waited for the cloud to pass, but night was falling.)
Here is the view from within the lighthouse at night of my hill.
Wow that looks confusing. Let's go up.
Here I am at JUST above the cloud level.
The top of the lighthouse, here you can see the light source itself. Eventually I'm going to replace it with lava.
The other big thing about this lighthouse is that it serves as what will eventually be my hub for transportation. Huge glass walkways extend along the cardinal directions.
They are totally sweet
I can see my house from here!
The majestic, untamed wilderness!
They're getting pretty long. I figure I'll just start building down when I find something that looking interesting. I'm not 100% sure HOW I'll build down, but I'll figure something out.
I wanted to build a big spike on the roof, but I've reached the top of the world map. The game will not let me build any taller than this.
Are you tired of looking at this thing yet? Because I'm not.
I love the sunrises and sunsets in this game
The various undead that spawn at night burst into flame during the day. You may notice from the next screenshot that I took some damage getting this one.
So that's what I've been doing in this wacky world. Big glass wizard tower. Hope to see some of y'all when we set this up multiplayer!