Rihanna tutorial.

Aug 18, 2008 17:56

idk what to call this coloring exactly:
from this:
to this:

Fill Layers (Solid Colors), Selective Color, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, & Blur Filter.
Program used = Photoshop CS3 Extended. Not translatable. Easy, 7 steps. 1 step optional.
Ask me for the .PSD file if you want it.

1.) Get your image, crop it, do whatever you want to your base before you start the actual steps.

2.) Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color:
#f9f3e0 - Set this layer to Multiply or Color Burn @ 100%. I chose Multiply.

3.) Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color:
Reds: -50, -30, +40, +100
Yellows: -100, -30, -100, +25
Neutrals: -20, -10, -35, +20

4.) Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance:
Make sure Preserve Luminosity is checked!
Midtones: -30, +20, +30
Shadows: +20, -10, -20
Highlights: +10, +10, +20

5.) Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation:
Hue: +7
Saturation: +13
Lightness: 0

6.) Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color:
#0e0f30 - Set this layer to Exclusion and play around with the opacity to your liking. I just left it at 100%.

7.) Duplicate your first layer (Background [your base {etc.}]) and drag it all the way to the top of your layers.
Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur: - Radius: 1.0 pixels.
Set your now blurry base to Soft Light @ 30%.
(This step is completely optional. I just like how this step makes my icons more smooth.)

Flatten, sharpen, do whatever the heck you want and you're done! :D

You can post your results here if you want. I'd love to see what you got! :]

icon tutorials: coloring, icon tutorials: photoshop, singer: rihanna

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