(no subject)

Mar 18, 2005 16:20

Im pissed off. There is only 1 subject that makes me this mad. The Family Movie Act of 2004. If this passes, I will give up my hope of becoming a movie director. Basically the bill says that anyone can take a movie, cut out whatever they want and sell it as a "clean" version.

Here is my analogy: To a movie director, your movie as a piece of you, your baby. Now could I just go into your house and say cut your baby's pinkey toe off because it offended someone. Its esencially the same baby. It has all of the same functions just like the movie has essencially the same story. No you would be pissed. I just hurt something you love and I would probly be arrested.

If you arn't responsible enought to watch a certain movie, don't fucking watch it. Its not the moviemakers fault that you get offended easily. There are movies made for kids and movies not made for them. I say that parents should just be parents instead of just blaming everyone else for their fuck-ups. But thats for a different time. But some may say that these are just little changes. Like how can saying fuck benifit the movie, or a sex scene. But they are important. They create emotions within the character. And editing out blood and does what to children, makes them think that when someone gets shot, there is no blood. Real life is real and people need to stop hiding from it.

To add on, the fact that most of what is considered obscene in movies is stuff that happens in real life. But not showing kids real life will eventually backfire. Schools that have abstinence only Sex-ed have the highest pregnency and std rates in the country. Teenagers especially are really intellegent people who need to be treated like adults with some restrictions. My key to the whole thing is to have an open relationship with my kids as soon as they are old enough to understand consequences. Watch movies with them so that I can explain things. And just be there to answer any questions and so they feel comfortable asking them and sharing feelings. Thats the big problem with society, kids feel alone with no one to talk to and resort to other means.

Im not saying let every kid watch any movie they want but the parents know their children the best and know their maturity level. But if they win, the studios will start forcing movie to be made that require no editing at all. Who the fuck need freedom of speach when anyone can just redo whatever is make.

As flawed and hipocritical as I think the rating system is, that is the best way for parents to determine what can be seen. Trying to edit a rated R movie down to a G movie is insulting.We were watching a news story on it and they said that the director of the Pricess Diaries when ballistic when they trurned a fencing scene into lightsabers. If I ever make a movie and somone tries to fuck with my baby, trust me, ballistic will be way too mild of a word to use. Im really considering leaving this country for the rest of the world were people actually care about art. This country gets worse and worse as we continue to hide behind our presous "freedom of speach" that only exits in the minds of the blinded. Im sorry if I offended anyone throughout this. It is my very opinionated view.

Edited: Added new 4th paragraph.
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