Mon, 12:43: RT @ ZREllor: JKR screaming about the importance of “fertility” reminds me how every female character in HP is judged solely on her maternal…
Mon, 12:44: RT @ DanyOrdinary: Hi. It's me. Your friendly neighborhood trans person who detransitioned and has serious health issues. JK Rowling and oth…
Mon, 06:50: RT @ GFYFandom: You ever go to a restaurant and see someone else across the room ordered something you’re allergic to and throw a fit and ac…
Mon, 06:51: RT @ fennecwounds: a lot of ship wank is just linguistic disagreements person a uses ship to mean "fictional romance i find engaging," pers…
Sat, 17:54: RT @ magencubed: At some point we will need to grapple with the reality that the internet has conditioned a generation of LGBT people to ren…
Sat, 18:05: RT @ Blaq_Unicorn: I had a moment of self doubt about whether I can be a superhero with mental illness, then I remembered Batman.
Fri, 12:45: RT @ Ace_Archsage: the church of seiros: books are useless for peasants that can't read Edelgard, Hubert and Ferdinand: hey what if we educa…
Wed, 14:06: RT @ mixosaurus: I saw an LGBTQ+ bingo card going round that made me feel approximately 900 years old, so my terrible friends and I put toge…
Tue, 12:54: RT @ hausofthestars: hubert c support: know that I could end your life where you stand before you draw another breath Hubert a support: if…
Mon, 16:08: RT @ zeIdasIullaby: on that note just. Don't check up on people that aren't in your life anymore. it's not healthy to camp out on their acco…
Mon, 16:09: RT @ lackingceremony: Not "pride was a riot" as in "I have built an aesthetic around queer audacity", but "pride was a riot" as in "the abol…
Sun, 12:27: RT @ thoughtfulfand1: When you get down to the essence of anti-rhetoric, they’re basically saying that all art and fiction should be made di…
Sat, 18:28: RT @ beefyjackal: it's sad how I can write "dni if you're a radfem/terf" in my carrd and it won't do jack shit because so many teens on here…
Fri, 23:08: RT @ ykqdark: “Its content creators jobs to keep kids fro-“ No! It isn’t! Strangers on the internet should not be raising random ass kids t…