This fanfic was written by
Nima Yuki (Mikey's Nickname: Yoyo Yuki) on Do not send this sporking to them and do not flame them.
Warning the following fanfic contains pedophilia and rape. It will kill your soul. Seriously I now find it impossible to relate to other humans anymore and am pondering the concept that certain people may deserve to die… All sporkings will be marked for adult content.
You see OverlordMikey loves children, in the paternal kinda way. He hates people who treat rape as love under the guise of sadomasochistic type relationships. Even in S&M consent is required. That alone though does not give me the right to spork this shit.
What give me the right to spork this shit is that it’s a piss poor excuse plot that derails two characters just so some fangirl can get her jollies on for her male-on-male rape fantasies! The worse part is she’s using one of my favorite Axis Powers Hetalia ships to do it!
It's personal now!
*Grabs his magic spork staff* In the name of the Axis Powers Hetalia fandom, canon, and for the sake of good fanfiction and writing, I; Mikey, will spork your fanfic and cleanse the fandom of you horrible darkness.
Magic Sporking Room forward to the Axis Powers Hetalia canon!
Table of Content
Chapter 1:The First Stage Yoyo Yuki: The PM Chapter 2: Vision Chapter 3: Smoking Chapter 4: Blow Me Away [Feat.
Chapter 5: Light My Fire Chapter 6: Kisses and ScarChapter 7: Dreams and Darkness Part 1
Chapter 8: Dreams and Darkness Part 2
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Assessment: Error... error... please complete sporking first.