sakura_ken: "
higherskies is one of the hardworking people in my LJ...coz she always studies. LOL. But I think she's fun too~!"
kameko_87: "
higherskies is all kinds of awesome."
keptunderwraps: "You are sweet, cute, funny and uber lovable/huggable/adorable/squishable. *Snuggles and showers random luff on yous!* Don't you forget that!"
andhera: "
higherskies is my beloved otousan who calls me kawaii, and yasashii, and loves me even though I tried to kill her?, and I love her awesomeness."
chibit: "
higherskies is glomp-a-ble and should be attacked by glomps. =D"
hoshiakari: "
higherskies is uber-nice, happy, and should be glomped via MSN more often 8D"
fyredra: "
higherskies is just the loveliest fellow fangirl this side of the timezone. :D *GLOMPS her*"
mypetme: "
higherskies is a sweetheart and she knows I love her to pieces ♥ ♥ ♥"
raevingmad: "
higherskies is beyond awesome. Words can not describe how awesomely AWESOME she truly is. She's the kindest, sweetest, most -lovely- person this side of the net and then some. I love her more than chocolate covered marshmallows....which is LOTS, and in summary she deserves the PRIZE. *adores upon her like WOAH!*"
aku_chao: "
higherskies is so nice, and we all know takes way too many tests! But she's only human, and I luv her! XD"
shinineko1 "
higherskies has a lot of heart, no matter what it is she does. She's the type of person that you worry for easily because she becomes a fast friend, regardless of how you meet"
properness: "You are a wonderful, interesting girl and I heart you muchly"
yaoidemon: "You're sweet and a cool person ^___^"
tristesolamente: "Haha,
higherskies is lots of love. She's hard working and so sweet ♥ She deserves lots of love, because... yeah... and time too! >XO"
gojyo: "TOTAL WINNER *-*d"
pidgeonluv: "
higherskies is:
1. Superbly hardworking (from all the posts about assignments and tests)
2. Awfully patient and determined (see above reason)
3. Awesome (just because ^^)
And yeah, c is stupid. Ole!~"
yuifiria: "Need something to glomp and fawn over? Go and hitch-hiking to her place ^^!"
evercool: "Awesome friend - awesome fan. Need I say more? XD"
milkfed: "
higherskies is an excellent sugar substitute ♥"
wonton: "
higherskies in all her sweetness & spazzy fun, is all~ mine. ♥"
porticulis: "
higherskies is someone who gives you good vibes"
Have something to add? Feel free to leave me a comment
here or on this entry if you want ♥