Jason and I had a pretty productive weekend. It was filled with a lot of family functions, as well as dog training, game night, and no yard work! I've been avoiding mowing the back yard like the plague. I keep hoping our dog will dig it all up and then it won't be an issue
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Got Kate Nash's new album last week, 'My Best Friend Is You,' and haven't taken it out of my car stereo since putting it in. For me, that's the sign of a good album.
This year has already brought me some good music, and I am eagerly anticipating what's to come!
Well, it was an uneventful day, and I suppose that's generally the purpose for taking a day off. Got my blood sugar under control, my jaw and teeth are feeling better, and I got some chores done
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Yup, taking a day off today. I had dental work done yesterday to fill in my lower left molar where a piece of tooth broke off last Friday night, and left a gaping hole in the tooth. They also replaced another filling on the upper left side of my mouth, so my jaw is pretty sore today
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Ugh, it's too early. Oh well, one of the nice things of going in early is getting off early, so I can hopefully enjoy some of this beautiful spring weather
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You know, some times it seems like I'm just talking to myself on here. Or when I try and converse with others through e-mails, offline chats, texts, and so forth, and I get no response
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It's odd when my spring allergies finally decide to kick in. There usually isn't much warning, just a sudden onslaught of sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, and fun things like that. Yesterday, that all hit me right when I woke up
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