This is last week's play, which took me a long time to post. I'm still not sure what it's called.
(Streudel is eating oats as Lightning approaches.)
Streudel - You go around looking like that they're gonna shoot you.
Lightning - Shut up.
Streudel - Oh, come on. What's wrong.
Lightning - Nothing.
Streudel - Alright. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm not gonna force you. I'll just be patient and wait until you feel like talking.
Lightning - I threw my rider.
Streudel - That's not so bad. Everybody gets freaked out occasionally.
Lightning - It was right in front of Dancer.
Streudel - Ohhh...
(Becky enters and begins putting saddles on Lightning and Streudel.)
Becky - Are you calmed down now?
Lightning - I'm fine.
Becky - Cause if anyone's gonna throw him anywhere, it'll be me.
Lightning - Knock yourself out.
Streudel - Or him.
Becky - Good.
Phillip - (enters) Hey. We need to talk.
Becky - Yeah we do. Here. (Hands him Lightning's reins)
Phillip - Always want me to learn something, huh.
Becky - It's better than just standing there.
Phillip - Maybe my parents will finally quit complaining that I still can't ride.
Becky - I doubt it.
(Becky starts leading Streudel out)
Phillip - (As he follows, to Lightning) Come on.
Lightning - Ow. Don't yank.
Phillip - Sorry.
Lightning - Don't look all mopey. You've got it easy.
(They reach the outside)
Phillip - So do you wanna tell me your news first, or should I?
Becky - It's up to you.
Phillip - Excuse my selfishness, then. Harvard medical school.
Becky - I'm proud of you.
Streudel - You know, Dancer threw her rider last week.
Lightning - She did not!
Streudel - Right into the mud and straight on into the medical tent. She made me swear not to tell-
Lightning - Then why are you?
Streudel - Let me finish. She made me swear not to tell Cimarron.
Phillip - I can go right into one of the research programs, or do my own research. Off the bat.
Becky - That's excellent.
Phillip - So life is wonderful. How are you?
Becky - I'm pregnant.
Phillip - (pause) Holy shit. (pause) You should have gone first.
Becky - Let's get away from the barn. The walls have ears.
Phillip - Do they? I've got a lot of bio left to learn, then.
(Becky and Phillip get on Streudel and Lightning and begin to ride.)
Lightning - Cimarron doesn't want her.
Streudel - Cimarron wants every filly who's old enough to carry someone.
Lightning - And then he gets bored and wants someone new. Dancer deserves better.
Streudel - Maybe she does. But she doesn't want any better.
Lightning - She's still too good for him.
Streudel - If she belonged on a pedestal she'd be made of bronze. I haven't really checked, she could be. But the land mines she leaves out on the field don't seem very metallic-
Lightning - -hey, now-
Streudel - -do they?
Lightning - Not really.
Phillip - When did you find out?
Becky - This morning.
Phillip - What do you want to do?
Becky - How the hell should I know.
Phillip - I'm not trying to interrogate you, I'm just asking.
Becky - And I really don't know how to even start to think about something like this. I have too much experience with horses. I keep thinking it'll pop out and then two years later it'll be fending for itself. Not quite.
Phillip - It'll probably be out of diapers by that point, at least.
Becky - If I want to keep it.
Streudel - It's not the end of the world if she doesn't like you.
Lightning - Maybe it is.
Streudel - Really?
Lightning - Fire from the sky.
Streudel - All the grass going bad,
Lightning - Whole world closing up.
Streudel - Even if she doesn't like you right now?
Lightning - Don't say that, she could.
Streudel - I dunno.
Lightning - She could.
Streudel - I think I might have to run for cover.
Lightning - Come on, now.
Streudel - I'd better go.
Lightning - Stay here.
Streudel - Stay safe! (She gallops off, and Lightning chases. After a moment Becky gets Streudel to stop and dismounts. Phillip also dismounts as Lightning gets close.)
Becky - What's gotten into you? (Streudel is paying attention to Lightning)
Phillip - (To Lightning) Don't smirk at me. You've got it easy.
Becky - Just let him go. This is as good a place as any.
Phillip - I guess so. (He goes to hug her)
Becky - I'm not very huggy right now.
Phillip - (He was) Okay.
Streudel - The world's not ending.
Lightning - Doesn't look like it.
Streudel - Wonder what that means.
Lightning - Dunno.
Streudel - Maybe somebody does like you.
Becky - I had a lot that I wanted to do.
Phillip - You still can. It's not a death sentence.
Becky - It is a life sentence.
Phillip - I mean you have options, sweetheart. You can come with me and go to school there. Or you could stay here.
Streudel - Maybe somebody right in front of your nose is fond of you.
Lightning - That would explain why the world's not ending.
Streudel - It's true.
Becky - I had things under control. Not perfect, getting better. I don't want my life to change by accident.
Phillip - Not everything's changing.
Becky - You want to move and I'm a dropout and my body hates me. I feel like I'm just watching a train wreck. (pause) I should just end this.
Phillip - I know I can't make it all better, or - fix things, and I know I'm causing this. I know. I wish I could give you an answer, or give you a solution here, but I don't know. All I can give you is me. (pause) If you want.
Becky - Are you sure? I could be like this for a while.
Phillip - Snarky? I'd be surprised if you weren't.
Lightning - So if a certain someone does like me, why would she let me blather on about someone else?
Streudel - You're cute when you're frustrated.
Lightning - Think they'll want to ride back?
Phillip - Should we take them back?
Streudel - No.
Becky - Nah.
Streudel - They'll find their own way.