I think I may have scared the poor teller at the credit union right out of her wits yesterday....
Let me back up, as the day started out pretty interesting, and only got better.
Started out with an IM from the Hubby, telling me I just got a check from my uncle, that was my share of inheritance from my dad. Now, this sounds very odd to me, as I had been DIS_INHERITED in his will. From what was decided in making the funeral arrangements, we were using dad's insurance policy to bury him, and anything that was left was to be sent to the executor (my sister-in-law). My aunt and two uncles were beneficiaries and would sign everything over to us. At the time, we assumed it would then be split 4 ways to his children. Well, then the will cut us all out and left everything to her, meaning she wouldn't have been bound to make that split. Well, the aunt & uncles found out that dad had disinherited us, and decided that THEY would split the money, to be sure it happened (which I'm sure has dad rolling in his grave & Valerie spitting nails!) Anyway, that was a little over $100 that I didn't have before and was not expecting, so a good thing!
This is the reason we were at the credit union; opening a checking account in the cities, now that we live up here, with my small but unexpected inheritance. We were filling out all the papers, and the phone rings. I hear "Hello, Randy" as Hubby steps away, and whisper to the teller that he is speaking to his prospective boss. Then I here Hubby say, "I would like to accept that job...", to which I burst into tears, which turned into ragged sobs, all the while trying to apologize to the young teller, with her searching frantically for a tissue. She smiles and says it is OK and perfectly understandable, however the initial look on her face didn't say the same thing. Poor thing! I suppose she could tell, by then, that I had been under just a small amount of stress lately...you think???
I think I need a hobby to assist in decompression!