"So many people belittle belief in something that they cannot see".... that is sooooo true.... i was raised strict catholic and i know that those beliefs are what kept my mother going for sooo many years.... and though i'm no longer of that faith, those teachings follow my day to day living.... as do they to my daughters.... but many do ridicule because they can't "see" any immediate proof.... i'm glad to see someone with actual faith....
Thank you so much for your response...I hesitate to expound too much about religion in my journal because I know that I'm read by many people of varying degrees of beliefs, some with none at all. I can only give my personal views on faith....or anything else, for that matter, so it heartens me to get a positive response.
If you're no longer a practicing Catholic, do you mind if I pry a bit and ask what your beliefs are now? (Don't worry, I don't judge, nor will I try to sway you to my beliefs....I just think it's nice to share a bit of our spiritual side once in a while).
If you read my journal much, you'll see references to faith periodically but I try to stay open to other's view because how else can we get a glimpse into each other unless we expose what makes us tick?
so you understand, i was raised strict catholic... alter girl, in the folk group, you to work in the rectory and help set up masses... but as i got older and started to see how things were being runned i started to have many more questions with no answers.... it was a visiting priest who talked with me and pushed me in a direction heading out the door... he told me to follow my heart and soul, and let my feet lead the way.... well, when driving i ended in front of this hidden little store and i started on a new path researching more on the wiccan faith... after my experiences with organized religion i prefer to say that i'm pagan, or a nature based religion.... but i've always believed in respecting other's religions and beliefs.... i enjoy studying many of them....
I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience in your "home" church....I had much the same experience in the little Baptist chuch that I attended as a child. Too many times, pastors, priests and church elders really just don't "get it" when it comes to attracting and keeping young people in the church. I left the church when I turned 16 and never looked back until I was 37. My wife made me go to this little Assemblies of God church and, for once, I actually had a "religious experience".....I won't go into detail here but suffice it to say, it brought this pot-smoking, long-haired Rock and Roller to a place where I felt, for once, there was a God that loved me, touched me and needed me....as much as I needed Him. I've litterally been reborn... so much that I immediately quit all drugs without one side effect and, little by little, my life got smoother and much more fulfilling. I have strong, faithful friends that are there for me and, better still, I'm there for them
( ... )
Comments 12
If you're no longer a practicing Catholic, do you mind if I pry a bit and ask what your beliefs are now? (Don't worry, I don't judge, nor will I try to sway you to my beliefs....I just think it's nice to share a bit of our spiritual side once in a while).
If you read my journal much, you'll see references to faith periodically but I try to stay open to other's view because how else can we get a glimpse into each other unless we expose what makes us tick?
Thank you again,
You do a lot of that, don't you?
Heh... Just kidding.
I ♥ you!!
I love you, too...
I was just commenting about your excellent abilities of regression. :)
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