Here we are again, kids. San Diego Comic Con.
For seriously up to the minute updates follow my
I landed around 1:30 and met up with Kelly. We went to the hotel first so we didn't have to lug our stuff around all day and the resort let us check in early. So we had a swim and showered the gross flight stuff off...
We also ended up with two beds which is awesome.
Then we headed downtown on the trolley.
yay! Convention center!
Right away we saw some awesome stuff
This made me think of the stargate and amused me greatly
Kelly's so happy with her badge while we had dinner at Ralphs
This is next to the California Browncoats booth and it makes me giggle
And then we ran across this! A Hank Moody bobble-head?! What has the world come to and why can't i have one?
Dexter is currently being advertised with the creepiest stuff ever and it really doesn't get stranger than this stuff...
We ran out of steam on the floor at about 8 and decided to go find Syfy's Cafe Diem.
They basically just wrote "Cafe Diem" on every surface... Not really much content...
There were these which were a bit amusing.
The place was too crowded so we went to Pinkberry next door.
So the final preview day haul?
Mostly X Files stuff. Might get some shirts tomorrow
Alrighty! Bed time up and out tomorrow!