as some of you may know, there isn't a single woman on my dad's side that doesn't have breast cancer. and he has a big family. needless to say, i'd love for those scientist types to find a cure. and that's why i'm going to join in this year's national race for the cure in june. anyone feel like pledging me and helping out?
I'm participating in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation National Race for the Cure®. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is a global catalyst in the fight against breast cancer and is credited with changing the way people think about the disease and those who survive it. The Foundation has a nearly 25-year history of patient advocacy, building awareness and raising funds for research and community outreach programs.
A minimum of $1 million of the funds raised through the Komen National Race for the Cure® will remain in the Washington, D.C., community - including metro-area counties in Virginia and Maryland - to fund outreach programs and initiatives that address the specific unmet breast health needs of the area. Washington, D.C., has the highest breast cancer mortality rate in the United States.
Did you know?
Ten to fifteen percent of breast cancers are not detected by mammography?
Men are also at risk for developing breast cancer?
Having no children, or a first child after age 30, are among some of the risk factors for breast cancer?
As part of the Race, I've created my own
Personal Pledge Page to which you can make a pledge of any amount.