You remember how I said a few posts back when I was ranting about how developers have evolved (Devolved?) into using tricks to make people think the excessive DLC isn't so bad since technically "it's all free", as in, it can all be earned by some in-game currency system. As I mentioned, they do this to give themselves a talking point when people
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And, yeah, scummy dogshit like what you and Angry Joe describe here is definitely a way to make me anti-interested in ever giving this series (or any other game/series that does similar scummy dogshit) another go at any point, even if I actually still owned a console on which it could be played (and even if it came out on PC, I still wouldn't buy it, even at a 90% off $5 Steam sale). Joe's description of the blind, militant acceptance and defense of this abject, scuzzy horseshit is exactly what is wrong with the modern video game "community," and has been what was wrong with the modern video game "community" for at least a decade and a half now. That is precisely why things have gotten to be as deplorably ( ... )
That's the first comment I see under Joe's video, which pretty much sums up EVERYTHING wrong with modern gaming.
And of course one of the first responses to him was a sarcastic reply about how the guy obviously didn't like Halo 5. (Worded in such a way to get that unspoken 'yer an old hasbeen shitbag out of touch with REAL gamers' impression across. - at least that's how it appeared to me.)
In response to the "didn't like Halo 5" asshat, if it were me he'd been responding to, I would have replied that no, indeed, I do not like Halo 5, nor do I like (nor will I buy) any game that does bullshit like this. If that makes me a "has-been" then so fucking be it, and if he wants to waste all of his money and/or time on pointless microtransaction bullshit, then it sucks to be him I guess. "A fool and his money are soon parted," and all that. He is the problem in this situation, not me ( ... )
Here's another Angry Joe rant over a "Freemium" game (the pay to win shit). Not really worth it's own post/rant imo given it's 5 months old. But it's pretty much the same kinda shit. Only difference between this and Halo is that Halo is a AAA release. This is a free to play pos that's designed to yank your cash. Other than the level of game development... no difference.
*addition* In particular I'd like to point out this comment in that video, that was only 5 months ago. Only 5 months, and it's already happening. And it's been happening to AAA games before Halo 5 over the last couple of months.
I mean, that's the fucking worst of it, for me. It's like (or rather, it's not "like" because it explicitly "is" that) you're not even buying something concrete (well, as far as anything you buy in a fucking video game can be "concrete"). No, you're simply buying the chance that you might get something halfway decent, but probably won't. Like how Joe in that video bought that $20 bullshit and then got shit for classes that he didn't even own and would need to spend even more money to be able to use ( ... )
But then, that, of course, is precisely why it's such an effective scam in the first place, because of all the dimwits who actually swallow that shit and believe it.
Well, it's either that, or they're among those who mistakenly believe that they're "supporting the industry" by buying this kind of fecal matter, like they're some kind of martyr "taking one for the team" or whatever dumb shit, because they're too weak-willed to avoid paying real money for ephemeral, ethereal dung. Like if they didn't buy this shit, then the video game industry would collapse or someth-... oh, wait, at this point, the video game industry almost assuredly would collapse if they stopped buying this shit, so maybe they really are "supporting the industry" by buying this shit. If only the industry that they were supporting hadn't ( ... )
Actually, that was probably just me (and most everyone else), because I think you were already making predictions along these lines even back then. If only more people had been like you and had seen this shit coming, maybe just maybe it could have been nipped in the bud.
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