1) I've heard of we are scientists. A guy here is really into them! 2) I can't believe you won't be here for summer. You suck, though your job sounds absolutely incredible!! 3) your poor teeth! wisdom teeth and a filling? 8 MONTH WAITING list. (I kissed an english boy.. VERY cute, bad teeth. I do think the steretype is true) 4) being broke sucks.
okay I LOVE YOU so freaking much. will you be home at all!?
i love you too! and miss you like crazy. and yes! i get home the 25th, and i leave for nyc prob around the 10th or 15th. you'll be around then, right? also, i might be back in cali towards the middle of august, but we'll see. LOVE!
You're gonna be in NYC this summer? I'm gonna be in Ithaca all summer long working on my M.Eng...we need to get together. It's been too long. That is all.
the way you write makes is kind of like the way you talk in real life, so when i read your posts i end up laughing out loud becuase they make more sense when i imagine you saying the things to me in that tone of voice you use when you're telling a funny story. haha i miss you!!!
Comments 7
2) I can't believe you won't be here for summer. You suck, though your job sounds absolutely incredible!!
3) your poor teeth! wisdom teeth and a filling? 8 MONTH WAITING list. (I kissed an english boy.. VERY cute, bad teeth. I do think the steretype is true)
4) being broke sucks.
okay I LOVE YOU so freaking much. will you be home at all!?
Just kidding about the Leap year part. But they are actually making a sequel. And it does actually look really shitty.
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