It's (still) alive!

Jun 22, 2016 20:12

G gave me an orchid a while back. I think I've had it longer than a year, possibly two. It had flowers on when it came into the house but they withered and fell off. I looked for recommendations and chopped off the stalk that had carried the flowers right at the base and kept on looking after it. I knew they need water, but not too much, and they ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

bronchitikat June 23 2016, 08:02:48 UTC
I got given an orchid for Christmas. "Oh no" I thought. "I can't keep orchids." Something to do with this house or something.

As with you, the flowers promptly dropped off, so I removed the spike. Then researched a bit - Light and moist - so decided on the front room windowsill as the lightest place. I also left it in the plastic 'sleeve' it came in, to provide a suitable micro-climate. I had a glass pot it would fit into, apparently they like their roots in the light.

A few weeks ago it started flowering again. Ooooh look, it seems I can keep orchids. I just prefer not to have to!

Congratulations on keeping yours going.


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