abax application

Dec 06, 2005 22:50

player information.

name: Scotty
are you over 18?: 3 22.
personal lj: postitnotes@LJ (or oxidantshappen because lfmlksadsa I don't even use my personal)
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: AIM @ ependymocyte; Plurk @ colorstreaks
characters in abax: N/A.

in character information.

series: X-Men: First Class
name: Erik Lehnsherr
sex: M
age: 34
race: Mutant.
height: 6'0
weight: 180 lbs.
canon point: After presumably "drowning" in his attempt to go after Shaw -- he never did get picked up Charles, but instead woke up in the Abax autopsy room.

history: Wiki Entry & Marvel Wiki - XMFC.

alternate history: One of the major changes to this particular version of Erik’s history is the sheer fact that he has yet to actually meet Charles Xavier, one of the most significant influences on his life and development from a serial Nazi hunter to one of the forefront leaders of the cause to save mutantkind. In contrast to his canon counterpart (at least by X-Men: First Class’ standards, sorry but I’m far from well versed in comics), Erik was placed in a concentration camp at a much earlier age, and far earlier on in World War II as opposed to the last years before the fall of the Third Reich. His parents originally sought to move from Germany and into Poland, but doing so put them at the risk of the invading German army. Rather than earn the refuge they had sought, they were placed into a concentration camp purely because of their religious beliefs.

It was here Erik began to learn of hatred, of persecution for the sheer fact that his family’s own religious beliefs had been different from the constant propaganda that Hitler enforced. At this point he learned that not only was he looked down upon, but at a young age observed that society would frown upon him for being different, a matter that was about to intensify ten fold. During the relocation of his family from a smaller camp towards Auschwitz-Birkenau, Erik’s detainers had seperated his parents from him. The seperation had a significant effect on Erik, such that during the attempt to take his parents away from him had Erik reaching out in frustration, subsequently demolishing the entire gate that his parents were taken behind. This particular incidence, the beginning of many that would have Erik finding out just how isolated he was, had distressed him to the point where after Erik was knocked out for his act of rebellion, the guards discovered the gate had been mangled, implying that Erik had at least developed some sort of ability, placing him in the hands of the Nazis’ resident doctor, Klaus Schmidt.

During Erik’s first meeting with Schmidt, the doctor brutally killed his mother in order to effectively determine how to bring out Erik’s ability, learning that it was most effective in the face of pain and anger. The frustration and pain from that single incident resulted in Erik demolishing Schmidt’s laboratory, subsequently killing both soliders who had brought in Erik’s mother. Needless to say, this incident only fueled Schmidt’s desire to utilize Erik further, and as such, their relationship expanded from one of merely mentor to that of persistent manipulation. Schmidt honed Erik’s abilities, finetuning them to such an extent that Erik was not only capable of lifting a coin, but also sheer metal work such as reforming metal bonds to remake metal objects. At the request of the Nazis, however, Erik was not only deft in his power, but was further used as a soldier, intent on taking down the Allied nations when the war seemed to turn in their favor.

While Erik only later learns to move larger objects, in this AU, however, he learns this ability far earlier in his training, to the point where an army of missiles mean next to nothing to a young man who can simply raise his hand and control them one by one. Given this Erik was assigned an army escort with his status as a weapon of war, forced to counter attack Allied nations, all under the sheer manipulation of Schmidt, using Erik’s loyalty to his people, brutally murdered in front of him when he would refuse to perform a task. Needless to say, Erik picked up on this habit easily, obeying orders without qualm though his escort would still routinely slaughter innocent people in front of him, forcing Erik to swallow his pride and not stop them. While he could have easily prevented the bullets, the simple fear of Schmidt always watching had him kept quiet, biding his time until the man would earn his death at Erik’s hands.

He learned to comply with the orders, defending major Axis cities and countries, most notably causing the British troops to retreat at Dunkirk before being shipped off to result in the downfall of British. In contrast to the actual WWII, the air superiority campaign by Germany, which in reality had failed, the use of Erik Lehnsherr's talents had Germany well taking over Britain, instead giving up on their control of the Atlantic, an act of defiance on Erik's part that had led to his own further torture at the hands of Schmidt. Erik came out of that incident far worse for the wear than he had anticipated, beaten within an inch of his life. Not that any of this hindered him any, but instead filled Erik with far more anger than ever, now bent solely on the destruction of Schmidt.

Erik was further manipulated into securing additional successes for the German army, which would have secured global control if it wasn't for the stalled advances on Japan's part, turning the war around in favor of the Allied armies in the aftermath of Hiroshima and the advent of nuclear war. With defeat around the horizon, Erik's support army disintegrated under orders, leaving Erik to fend for himself at the age of 18. Instead of succumbing to survival, Erik went back to Auschwitz, tearing apart the camp in search of Schmidt, full of the self loathing over what he had done, the same pain that kept Erik going and resulting in the destruction that he himself was responsible for. The concentration camp fell easily with a raise of his hands, the irony that he could have done this years ago had it not been for the persistent fear instilled in him, not withstanding.

In the midst of tearing the concentration camp apart, Erik encountered a group of prisoners -- not in the same vein as the Jews he identified with, but mutants, other ones than himself, which led to the rather abrupt realization that there were others like him. For all his time with Schmidt, the man had constantly instilled the simple fact that he was alone; that no one else would ever come for him. Rather than kickstart his superior Nazi hunting campaign, Erik took a detour to the heart of Charles' ethics (or you know, what should have been his ethics if Charles had met Erik and stuff), bent on providing a refuge of sorts for the other mutants before the world would find out about their existence. After all, the Nazis themselves had sought to keep them for weapons, but Erik's interests (despite the sheer irony) was to allow them to flourish on their own in society, undisturbed, without the constant need to manipulate them. With the intention to take them in, Erik resumed his hunt of Schmidt after finding information that led to his own arrival in Miami, Florida, where Erik dove headfirst into the Atlantic ocean in hopes of going after the man that had caused him, other mutants, and a majority of Europe so much pain...

personality: Erik Lehnsherr’s development from a child and into the eventual protector of the mutant brethren largely stems from his roots during the Holocaust and the traumas he encountered there. He witnessed his mother’s death at the hands of man who sought out experimentation, underwent torture, and ultimately emerged from Auschwitz filled with nothing but focus on retaliation. Interference on Charles Xavier’s part does allow Erik to open up and embrace changes, however in the end his perception of the world around him is largely shaped by these horrors, resulting in a negative world view and a search for domination.

Shaw’s murder of Erik’s mother serves as his primary motivation for many of the choices he makes. Although it is likely that Erik had minimal formal education due to his time at Auschwitz, it does not deter him from becoming the ideal hunter. He essentially became a self taught man, with an intellect allowing him to make quick descisions and actions in his pursuit. His approach and methodology in going after Shaw shows signs of a man intelligent beyond his years. In addition, his ability to utilize metal shows his capabilities of adapting to situations, often going for a riskier approach that is likely to offer better results than a safer method. Erik shows a great deal of moral ambiguity, such that he was capable of advocating choices that benefited him in the long run. He shows no aversion to killing, particularly to those who threaten his survival.

In X-Men: First Class, we see a man bent on revenge emerging as an efficient leader to lead the future Mutant Brotherhood. Given his patient, but deliberate pursuit of Shaw, Erik shows a great deal of disclipline, keeping himself calm and focused at all times. He uses every resource he has available, utilizing his ability to allow him to achieve his ends. However, Erik shows himself incapable of trusting others, preferring to rely on himself when pursuing his goals.

Erik’s encounter with Charles Xavier allows for him to see beyond his fixated goals. When the two of them met, Erik finally beame aware of other mutants, as well as start to show changes to his negativity and perception of the world. Charles’ faith in humanity enabled Erik to see beyond his closeminded hatred. As a result of their friendship, Erik becomes more of a team player and opens up, particular towards Charles and embraces his potential as one of the strongest mutants. However, in this particular AU, Charles' presence has been nullified and Erik's own perception towards mutantkind is that of his own experiences with running into fellow prisoners. For this particular reason, he starts to identify strongly with them, with the solidarity that needs to rise above everything they're in the midst of and despite everything there is a constant growing need to identify. After all, as Erik told Charles in the movie, "I thought I was alone." This particular belief resonates strongly with him in this case, and with the mutants he has come to harbor before his need for revenge, Erik shows a very distinct emphasis for family in this case, opting for their security over the need to fight back just yet. While it's certainly in his intentions to aim for revenge, at this point he settles down first.

Above all though, Erik is still an idealist who believes in the worst of others. This is largely shaped by the Holocaust in that he feels that humanity will never be able to overcome their need for control over others. If they can't set aside their differences and their ability to accept and recognize mutants, he feels that mutants will never have a home around them. Erik also favoritism towards accepting people as they are, believing they shouldn't have to hide themselves out of paranoia and fear.


➜ Mutation: Manipulation of metal [ferrous and non-ferrous metallic objects]. Erik's mutation manifested during a forced family relocation at Auschwitz and results in the control and manipulation of metal. His abilities have strengthened to the point where he's adept in quick reactions, utilizing metal related items as a tactic in battle, and partially adept at his ability to maneuver larger metallic objects.

To be a bit more specific in his powers, at least with this variation of Erik (not that he can't do it in canon):

1. Magnetic Flight.
2. Matter Manipulation & Metallic Bonding (aka Scotty gets her dumbfuck science geek on).
3. Organic Iron Manipulation (aka that scene in X-2 when Erik breaks out of prison).

➜ Linguaphile: Fluent in English, French, Spanish, Polish, German, Russian, and most likely Hebrew and Yiddish as well. Several of these languages he's picked up while under the regiment of Shaw and the Nazis.

➜ Combat training & strategy: Erik is exceptionally well versed in strategy & combat and has a higher than average knowledge of hand to hand combat. He does however prefer to rely on his mutation as a means of combat, but is not averse to utilizing his more physical means, given that Erik was trained as a military combatant, as opposed to playing on the sidelines.

first person sample: [ Charles had mentioned the device to him before he left, presumably to wander off, leaving Erik alone in the corridor, a lab coat and a spare set of scrubs on him and instructions to simply find men like him. ] Damn it.

[ He spoke softly, more to himself than anything, lost as he was in the midst of the hall way with no other clear instructions. There were pressing matters to attend to, go after Shaw, who had managed to elude him yet again, figure out what had happened to his team, the mutants he had rescued, and of course, why he was dead in the first place. Unless --

No. Shaw couldn't have taken him that easily. Looking down at the device in his hands, the same one Charles showed him, he held it carefully, turning it around in his hands as he tried to look for an on button. If this is where the future was going, he wasn't sure if he liked it, far preferring face to face contact to a tiny object in the palm of his hand. Pressing one, two, three, four buttons in succession, he finally made it to the power button, and yet -- what now. He's an intelligent person, this shouldn't be difficult in the slightest, there we go. The mechanics of the thing don't interest him just yet, right now Erik needs to get word out. ]

I've been told to look for an Erik Lehnsherr. I expect he looks somewhat like me, given what I've heard about him. [ Or at least... he assumes you can see him through this. He'll deal with the technology part later, frowning at the device in his hands. Erik would talk more, probably could, but the responses are an integral part of evaluating his decision to see where he goes next. ]

third person sample: Abuses same CR development thread deal with it.

case no: ANYTHING! Humor me, especially when Erik already has one set of numbers.

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