Porn Battle

Jan 11, 2006 20:26


To join the battle, all you need to do is write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Any fandom, or original fiction, any type of pairing (het, slash, threesomes, whatever), no limits on content! Make it as kinky or as subtle as you like, but make it hot, melt your readers, create a stampede to all the fannish bunks worldwide.

When you've written/painted/made it, paste it into the comments here. Once you've done that, you can then post it wherever else you want.

You may enter as many times as you like, so long as each entry is completely separate (not a series of linked pieces). Also, please do not link to old work - this should be something new, produced for the challenge.

At the end of the week, I'll set up a poll for voting (nothing too serious: if you have any suggestions for some silly categories, that'd be great - just leave them here). Provided enough entries fit the categories, I'd like to have polls for 'most imaginative use of food' and 'wow, you made *that* pairing sexy'.


1. It must fit in one comment, so the limit is 4,300 characters (there's no minimum limit). It can be part of a longer piece that you may post elsewhere, as long as it's something new and written for the challenge, but I all want here is the porn! If you make art, if it's larger than 350 px wide, please use a thumbnail linking directly to the piece (directly to the artwork, not a post or site). The thumbnail can be up to 350 px wide, and 300 px high, and should include as much of the art as possible.

2. Important! Please use the subject line of your comment to identify the snippet, like so: Title, fandom, pairing, rating, het or slash or both. For example, I might write: "Painting the Curves, BtVS, Faith/Buffy, slash, NC-17". We'll need these headers to help readers, and so I can sort snippets/art into categories when we've finished. If you don't do this, I'll reply with a little message that might contain schmoopy Clark/Lana, or Kavanagh dry-humping Weir, or naked Dolores Umbridge, or something else equally distasteful! And then I'll delete your comment and make you repost properly!! *eg*

3. You have one week - the post will close for new entries next Wednesday, 18th January, at 9 pm UK time. That's 5 pm in New York, and 2 pm in Los Angeles.

4. If you've got any questions or comments, please leave them on my initial post about the porn battle, not on this post. I'd like to keep this purely for the porn (and feedback on the porn - readers/voyeurs, please do show the writers/artists some loving for their porny goodness).


challenge: porn battle, challenge

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