The Porn Battle (Fourth Verse, Same as the First)

Jul 11, 2007 18:55


To join the battle, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting or vid or song. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as subtle as you like, but make it hot, melt your readers, create a stampede to all the fannish bunks worldwide.

When you've written/painted/made it, paste it into the comments here. Once you've done that, you can post it wherever else you want.

You may enter as many times as you like, so long as each entry is completely separate (not a series of linked pieces). Also, please do not link to old work - this should be something new, produced for the challenge, based on one of the prompts.


  1. It must fit in one comment, so the limit is 4,300 characters (there's no minimum limit). It can be part of a longer piece that you may post elsewhere, as long as it's something new and based on one of the prompts, but I all want here is the porn! If you make art, if it's larger than 350 px wide, please use a thumbnail linking directly to the piece (directly to the artwork, not a post or site). The thumbnail can be up to 350 px wide, and 300 px high, and should include as much of the art as possible.

  2. Important! Please use the subject line of your comment to identify the snippet, like so: Title, prompt (i.e. Fandom, Pairing, prompt word). For example, I might write: Held in the Balance, Friday Night Lights, Billy/Tyra, lost, or Sunset Boulevard, Crossover, Entourage/Ocean's 11, Ari/Danny, cocktail. (See the first comment for a story example, or here for an art example if you're still not sure). Please keep it to that order, and don't add inverted commas or html code in the subject line, as that will make it harder for Pesha to sort. I will delete any posts not properly labelled!

  3. You have one week - the post will close for new entries next Wednesday, 18th July, at 9 pm UK time. That's 10 pm in most of Europe, 4 pm in New York, 1 pm in Los Angeles and 5 am on Tuesday in Brisbane (I think!).

  4. Please don't post anything but stories or feedback/feedback replies (to individual stories) here. If you've got any questions or comments, please leave them on my initial post about the porn battle, not on this post. I'd like to keep this purely for the porn (and feedback on the porn - readers/voyeurs, please do show the writers/artists much love for their porny offerings).

  5. If you make a vid or record a song, please either provide a permanent link, or email me (oxoniensis @ and I'll upload it for you and provide a link. If you prefer, for vids only, a link to an LJ post is fine rather than posting the actual download link in the comments.



I tried counting prompts, but somewhere around the fifth hour of sorting I gave up. But there are many fandoms, popular, rare, weird and wonderful, and many many pairings and thousands of prompts.

Popular pairings with multiple prompts have the prompts in a list after the name: eg Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar, finished, power, special, thunderstorms, wilful blindness, unique - there are six separate prompts for this pairing, not one long prompt. You can just write one of these prompts, or use multiple prompts in one piece. If it says [any] after a pairing, then no prompt was given, and you can write what you want.

I've tried to sort out variations on the same pairings, but I'm sure some have slipped me by. So if you're after Ten/Rose you might also want to look for Rose/Doctor, or Rose/Ten.

[ click here for the prompts ]

The Porn Battle website is here. Thanks to the wonderful coding-master pesha (who also provided this version's title), I'll be updating it with links sorted by fandom and by author as the entries come in.

Make porn!!


challenge: porn battle, challenge

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