Title: a lie the size of the sky
Author: Signe
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Words: 12,738
Spoilers: Vague spoilers through season 3 so far.
Genre: first time, wingfic, casefile, fusion with the His Dark Materials universe. A little magic borrowed from Neil Gaimon's Stardust.
Beta: A huge thank you to
femmenerd for sorting out my Briticisms and much other useful concrit, to
lazy-daze for brainstorming along the way, to
tvm for the final beta.
Notes: Written for
astolat in the
spn_holidays challenge - I'm sorry it's so late! Title courtesy of Piano Magic - Wrong French.
[ a lie the size of the sky ] A brief primer for those unfamiliar with the His Dark Materials universe. This covers all you need to know to follow the story.
dæmon is a visible manifestation of a person's soul, that exists in the form of an animal. The type of animal is representative of the person's personality, although children's dæmons may change form at whim, until puberty, when the form becomes fixed.
The bond between dæmon and human is intimate, and dæmons must remain within a small distance of their human. Contact between a person and another person's dæmon is taboo. "The worst breach of etiquette imaginable" is for a person to touch another person's dæmon (even in battle, most soldiers would never touch an enemy's dæmon), though exceptions can be made (for example, between lovers), and dæmons may touch each other.
A person's dæmon is usually of the opposite sex to its human.
If a dæmon is killed, their human dies. Separation causes unimaginable physical and emotional pain for both human and daemon - permanent separation often causes death. A permanent separation process generates a huge burst of energy.
I've been asked about Luned and Acuqileena, so here are the images I had in mind as I was writing.