Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) - Chromatic (Character of Colour) Prompts

Jan 23, 2011 17:48

The battle isn't open yet, and the full list of prompts containing characters of colour probably won't be complete until tomorrow or even Tuesday, so this is an advance placeholder post. Once the list is complete, would you let me know of any prompts that are on the full prompt page and contain at least one character of colour, but aren't on the chromatic prompt list? Thank you!

And I'd encourage everyone to browse the list, see if there's a prompt on it that might inspire you.

ETA: Until the list is complete (it will say so at the top of the prompt list), please only point out problems with the sections currently up on the website - thank you! There are a lot of letters of the alphabet missing - these will be added.

ETA 2: The
chromatic_fanfic mod has mentioned that fills to any of these prompts are welcome to be crossposted/linked to

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments there.

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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