I've had a very interesting evening tonight. After everyone had gone to bed and the kitchen was clean, I went out to the Shed and played guitar. Things out there are disarrayed at best. My eyes fell on a manila envelope and a notebook. The envelope contained a copy of my birth certificate, some inoculation papers from my schooldays and every report
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Comments 5
It's not what your taught, it's how you're taught it. A lot of school reformers have screwed up by confusing subject matter with teaching technique and proceeded to throw the baby out with the bath water. So now, in an effort to eliminate the "drill and kill", they're giving calculators to first graders, and the wheels fall off when they get to high school.
It's even worse in reading: in the rush to get rid of "rote memorization", phonics instruction was almost completely banished for years from public schools. It's still a dirty word in ed schools. So now instead of memorizing the 60-odd different sounds of the English language (which will allow the decoding of any world she'll ever see), a child in a " ( ... )
It's not a bad rant, my friend. You write pretty well yourself.
It's nice to know you're dropping in. Hope to see you very soon.
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