Title: Missing 2%
Pairing: G-Ri
Genre: Drabble
Rating: PG
Summary: Love is being high up in the air, watching you be happy with her.
AN: Inspired by their
2% CF: A-type MISSING 2%
There is a slight breeze and it's making your long hair fly every which way. You look pretty, ethereal. Like some goddess. And your smile, it's so beautiful, just like an angel's. But.... but. And you look so happy, so damn happy it hurts me. Because he's happy too. Beside you.
"I've come to love Seungri."
I have too. Long before you fell for his charming smiles, charming words, charming self. I've fallen for him once upon a time and I think- no, wait. I'm sure there is no The End. But... but. Fairytales don't happen between two wrong people. Because as much as I hate to admit it, there are some things in this word that are meant to be right. Like you and him together. Like me watching you and him together. Hurting.
"There's no such thing as wrong love."
There isn't. Because falling in love with that boy who's got his head on your lap is just about the most correct thing I have ever done in my entire existence. Every smile he throws my way when I get the angle right as I take pictures of you and him, they make my breathing catch every time. And yes, they make my heart ache every time too but... but. It's worth it. To spend the day with you and him, to stand beside you and him, to be with you and him... every pain and hurt is worth it. As long as I am with him. It's worth it.
"There's just love that's a little dangerous."
Because you know he loves me too. Because... because. We're meant to be. In our own little world, we are. In our own little world where leader and maknae are free, free... free~ But the real world outside of it, the one where we all live, it doesn't work that way, can't work that way, should never work that way. In this real world, leader and maknae are... leader and maknae.
"Love is 11 meters."
It's that scary. Falling in love with Lee Seunghyun is that scary. And it's even scarier because the two of us loves each other. Because we both feel the same way and it's too damn right it's wrong. Because... because. Love is... 11 meters high. It's being that high up and feeling the wind blow around me. Like I'll lose my balance anytime and fall down down down deeper into Lee Seunghyun's intricate web of smiles and laughs and "hyung~"s. Love is that scary...
"When you're missing 2%"
When I'm missing my 2%. When I'm missing my Lee Seunghyun. When I'm missing that 2% that he cannot give, can never give to me. When I'm missing that small piece of heaven that you have: the world accepting your fairytale.
But... because.
Damn it.
AN: And there it is, a very quick drabble. Just... the new CF really inspired me... hope it inspires others and write something too. Anything. Please. I'm not begging. Seriously.
AN: credits of the translation for the CF is from bigbangnyuh