Title: Thirteen Seconds Pairing: G-Ri Rating: PG-13 Summary: Seungri can't sleep. Seungri thinks too damn much. AN: For susifg A very very short long-ish and simple complicated drabble.
anyways, guh!!! seriously.. i also need this.. just like how ri needs this..
alam mo dear, pag binabasa ko mga fics mo, i can't help but cry or feel sad kahit na fluff siya.. kase.. oh well.. madali akong ma-touch ng angst.. kahit pa konti lang yung angst netong post na'to.. kahit ba fluff siya.. nakakaiyak parin yun angsty part.. that's how effective your fics are..
ROFL. but then there is also angst! damn it. i really cannot just write, fluff huh? what the, right? BUT THANK YOU!!~~~~ uhm... get back here when you are coherent again?
so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!! i love it how you wrote that seungri was jealous of daesung! and that was the reason he's awkward with daesung.. me thinks so too! i love this fic! it made me feel warm inside :D
haha. it can be possible. and this is not the only explanation. but i thought putting the deeper part of Seungri's feelings would make this fic too heavy so I just left it at that. glad i'm able to make you feel that way!
awwwww I love how sr is jealous of dae and thinks he owes him an apology, so cute! XD ngl I hate jiyong for being so mean sometimes on interviews lol adsaf this is so adorb ;~; I love your writing, and you should write more fluff, yes. ♥
makes me even more excited about bbtv sdfsdafsd. gri pls give some fanservice
haha. kinda cute for ri but oh well! and even though ji is mean, i know it's only teeasing. and ji's teasing is the only teasing that ri tolerates. hehe. remember daesung's answer? haha. he's a sadist cause he likes seingr ri get bullied by the other hyungs (read: jiyong)
yesss!!!!! someone thinks this is adorable! haha! thank you! my fluff is kinda weird though, as it always has angst in some way. and i am glad you liked this!
thanks for reading!
AND YES I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR BBTV. haha. even if, by any stupid chance, there will be not so many GRi moments, i do not careeeeeeee e e e e e e~ haha. just i want BB in YGTV again!
yep, i know they tease out of love but rly, mr. kwon used to be so harsh lol. like in that '08 baskin robbins interview, sr didn't even say much after jiyong said he likes dae :'( and did you watch that ufo show thing where they wore colourful hoodies? at one point jiyong kept being such a bitch meany LOL saying that sr likes him soo much and all. sr was pissed (all written on his face) asdf cracks me up. they act like an old couple :"D
well, that's mr. kwon jiyong to you, ma'am. HHA. and it's totally seungri's fault he got roped into jiyong's life. jiyong's life is fast and complicated and zoooommmm~ seungri should have known better than to be cute and make ji adore him so much. ROFL.
Comments 99
anyways, guh!!! seriously.. i also need this.. just like how ri needs this..
alam mo dear, pag binabasa ko mga fics mo, i can't help but cry or feel sad kahit na fluff siya.. kase.. oh well.. madali akong ma-touch ng angst.. kahit pa konti lang yung angst netong post na'to.. kahit ba fluff siya.. nakakaiyak parin yun angsty part.. that's how effective your fics are..
thank you for reading~~~~
glad you liked it again!
excuse me while I'm incoherent.
uhm... get back here when you are coherent again?
Thanks for reading!
i love it how you wrote that seungri was jealous of daesung! and that was the reason he's awkward with daesung.. me thinks so too!
i love this fic! it made me feel warm inside :D
glad i'm able to make you feel that way!
and thank you for reading!!~
adsaf this is so adorb ;~; I love your writing, and you should write more fluff, yes. ♥
makes me even more excited about bbtv sdfsdafsd. gri pls give some fanservice
yesss!!!!! someone thinks this is adorable! haha! thank you! my fluff is kinda weird though, as it always has angst in some way. and i am glad you liked this!
thanks for reading!
AND YES I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR BBTV. haha. even if, by any stupid chance, there will be not so many GRi moments, i do not careeeeeeee e e e e e e~ haha. just i want BB in YGTV again!
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