I was not completely happy with last week's episode--I loved the character introductions for both Amy and Eleven and the setup of Amy's relationship issues and background, but I thought the rest of the plot was, well, lame. Well, let's just say this episode made up for it. You have no idea how much I was squeeing.
Comments 15
The Star Wars references were off the charts. "Help us, Doctor. You're our only hope."
And I agree. I LOVED THIS EPISODE TOO!! I keep having s1-4 flashbacks. He had some very Nine-y moments, which was awesome. I love that his angst level is much lower than Ten's, but he still has that ... Doctor-ness about him. Lovely.
And YES YES YES, the paternal-ish relationship is so bamf. I like that they're more like older-brother/younger-sister than loveydovey. And yes, at the first sign of the big window I was like OH HAI, END OF THE WORLD.
Moffat's monsters are the scariest of all! He really knows how to creep me out, lol.
There was some Nine and some Ten and a lot of Doctor-ness. Love Eleven.
I was sceptical about Moffat, but after these two episodes, I love him.
I was sceptical about Moffat, but after these two episodes, I love him.
I still think he's kind of a jerkface as a person, but I really do not see that many problems with his work. I think a lot of the people who had previously convinced themselves they hate him based on his jerkfaceness are really looking for things to dislike, and if the name at the start of the credits hat been anyone else, they wouldn't take offense from those same things they are proclaiming to be omgsoterrible. Which is their prerogative I guess, but it does grate on my nerves when it's all over my flist with this undertone of "anyone with sense can see how TRULY DETRIMENTAL TO SOCIETY this is!"
Oh, God I remember those posts from back when I was still reading Doctor/Rose fics. Get over yourselves, shippers. 99% of your Moffat rage stems from the fact that he rained on your OTP. Which is a valid reason. But then you should be able to admit that and not try to do fancy ~analyses~ to prove that Moffat is sexist and evil and destroing the world.
OMG THE STAR WARS, I immediately said "help us Obi-Wan!" but I do not think Olivia understood.
"You look Time Lord, we came first" delighted me because it was one of my favourite lines in POTD, lirl
I do think the Amy/Eleven dynamic is really interesting so far, and I kind of like that Eleven seems to have this crazy temper -- I mean maybe it was just this episode, but daaamn. Amy, too, is interesting, and I'm excited to learn more about her.
And it was all about a GIANT SPACE WHALE, so obviously the show hasn't changed much.
I don't know what was more hamfisted, the Star wars hints, the "crack in the world" foreshadowing or the YOU'RE A STAR WHALE metaphor. I think the fact that I actually enjoy hamfisted foreshadowing and ridiculous SPACE WHALES shows how much Doctor Who has damaged me.
Except the Absorbaloff. What the hell, Love & Monsters.
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