:O!!! I didn't know you could do just straight contortionism classes!! I want to do that! I've been trying to do stretches every day to get more flexible, and it just feels so good after, all those muscles get juicy when you stretch them. :)
I just had a thought - if you ever want to maybe we could use the space at Westside Circus for training? It's $5 for 2 hours... I'm not sure if you'll need to pay the membership fee too (I think it's about $35 a year) but if you want space where you can do circusy stuff and you can't commit to a weekly class that could be a good way to do it. Or just get a yoga mat and come around to my house! :D
Those are both good ideas actually... I think I just need to designate some time. Would you be up for doing it with me some time? We could start at your place and see how we go?
I'm in the process of having my 6 month old WD passport replaced. and upon post apocalyptic HDD event, the forums seem pretty down on the range. just something to bear in mind, as mine had the only copy of the last 4 years digital photos on it. Got them back though.
D: That's not good. I googled the FreeAgent I had and it sounded like they have an issue with over-heating so I didn't want to replace mine with another one if they were going to keep on frying themselves. WD sounded like the best alternative. Fingers crossed I didn't get one of the duds. At least it has a three-year warranty...
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