Title: Reading Between the Lines
Fandom: Merlin (aka, the one which slashes itself.)
Pairing: MerlinxArthur. If you squint between the lines it's there.
Length: 238 words.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.
Notes: Thank you to betas
fortassetu and
princessezzy, you're both absolutely amazing. :) This was literally first thoughts at Excalibur. You may also be interested to know the first time I wrote "Gwen is" I wrote "Merlin is" instead. With the sentence, this'll make sense. ;)
Oh oh oh,
this song is totally amazing and addictive :D
Sorry for the repost, the formatting went weird.
“You said what?!”
Arthur spent most of his time looking shocked at Merlin’s stupidity. Today, it seemed, was not to be an exception.
Merlin sighed.
“A link. A bond, I believe were my exact words.”
“You said that. To my father.”
Merlin looked bemused. “That is what I just said. And you say I’m the idiot.” Arthur was, quite literally, the very epitome of the word aghast. Merlin, on the other hand, looked intensely pleased with himself. “He praised me for my great loyalty, too,” he added, not entirely innocently. “It is true.” A frown. “Though does it still technically count as loyalty? Maybe I should - ” He stopped at the look on Arthur’s face, bemused. “We were having a conversation about swords at the time.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a ridiculous fashion.
Arthur stared. “You were… what?!”
“Swords. You know, the big - ”
“Shiny - ”
“Pointy - ”
“Merlin!” They stood and stared at each other for a moment, Arthur horrified, Merlin incredibly amused. “You are never going near my father again. Ever.”
Merlin chuckled. “Oh, Arthur, that’s really rather silly. I wait on his chambers half of the - ”
“Gwen can do it.”
Merlin sighed and shook his head. “Gwen is a woman. She cannot wait on your father. It is a matter of etiquette.”
Arthur glared. “Another servant - ”
“You cannot possibly trust.” He grinned. “Loyal, remember?”
“I hate you.”
Merlin grinned. “I know.”