(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 10:32

Well Good Morning my dear Friends!!!

Today I have off from Zellers, so I'm planning on spending as much of this day outside as possible. I have some flower seeds to plant. I have, Chilean Glory vine, Lupins ( Russell Mix ), Astilbe ( Hybrid Mix ), Malva ( Zebrina ), Columbine ( Long Spurred Mixed ), Wildflowers ( California Poppy - my favorite Sunny D colour! , Baby Blue Eyes - hehe, I love men with blue eyes ), and Purple coneflower. Now all I have to do is use a little fine grade sandpaper on them, soak them all up and plant them. I have to cut the front yard grass. Maybe I'll also apply some veggitation killer to the driveway. I don't like that stuff, but the driveway is getting really crazy-weedy.

What else... well my poor boy is sick, or still sick. He made two valiant attempts to go to school, only to come home, feeling worse. So he's home today, and I'll have him just stay in bed with lots of hot soups, and cold meds. Oy vey, that boy of mine, he wants to go to school this afternoon to pick up his homework for this weekend! I told him if he takes a shower and he's sure he feels up to going. What a kid!

On Wednesday I had to replace my dryer vent hose and vent cover. The old one was all brittle from the weather - I guess... anyway, it was quiet a clean up. Of course I had to pull the machines out from the wall, then vacuum up all the groady dust from the back of the machines. Then sweep, and wash the floor. After putting on the new vent pieces, I pushed the machines back in place, and then I had to level them out... coz it's a basement floor, which isn't level. That took a fair bit of time. I'm still not happy with my leveling job, though, because the washer still shakes far too much. I'm thinking I might contruct a platform for both the dryer and washer to sit on. That'll be a bit of work. Well I'll have to thing about that.

Oh and I had to get a mouth guard for sleeping, as I grind my teeth. Argh. So I used it last night, it was okay, I think it made me aware of when I 'clamp' my jaw, as I would wake up slightly, and feel the guard in my mouth. I was mentioning that to a friend at work ( L.P.), and she asked if my ears bother me... I told her that they did, so she went on to explain that her hubby had the same problem and now he ears don't bug him! Well now, how interesting is that... well it's interesting to me... anyho.

Tomorrow I work an early shift; 8 am - 2 pm! It'll seem weird not to close the store, I'm always there at closing. It'll be nice to be home for the afternoon-evening. Hey maybe I'll take the kids to see a movie - no wait, Matt is way too sick to do that. I'll just rent a movie instead. Doug will be out at an airshow with his plane anyway, then he plans on going straight out to the cabin after coming back to the St Andrews hanger. So he'll be gone all weekend.

Doug has time off this week, and is flying out with his buddy Stephen, and their Lancair plane to Oskosh, for the big airplane show there. I'm very glad I'm NOT going, yes glad, because I would be bored stiff. That is totally his gig, not mine.

Well this is a very long update, so I'd better end it so I can get busy with my day outside. Hope you're also enjoying the wonderful sunny weather.

Talk to you later.

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