Just sippin me tea... aaaah.

Nov 27, 2005 08:54

Good Morning Girls,

Sunday morning..., really early..., a hot cup of tea,,,, and the house is quiet with everyone else sleeping. Except me, Ruby - who is begging for a piece of my toast, and Sargent - who is going around from bedroom to bedroom acting like he's a rooster that is trying to wake everyone else up. Idiot cat!

So I hope everyone is enjoying the snow and is getting into the Christmas spirit of things. I'm getting there, coz as soon as we get the Christmas decorations up, it hits me. ^_^ We'll be putting up the tree and decks our halls next Saturday. We always try to do this on the first Saturday in December.

Let's see other than that, I've been keeping in touch with my brother Anthony. I phoned him on his birthday, so it's his turn to phone Christmas. This reminds me that I also have four half sisters, I'd like to contact too. I'll be honest and say that I'm a little nervous about it. I'm so glad that Anthony phoned me, but I'm just 'chicken' to phone them. Silly of me, I know, but anyway I'm gonna think about it some more.

I'm getting more hours at Winner's, as the Christmas shoppers are coming out - he he - a lot of them look like people from a zombie movie. *imitating a zombie voice* "...must shop, must shop, aaah..." !

I'm enjoying working there, I sometimes have cashier hours and sometimes I work in the fitting rooms. Either one is okay by me. I prefer the fitting rooms, coz ladies like to make small chit-chat. Also there is no rush to buy something and go. Most times the customers are pleasant, but at the till they are usually tired out and just want to go as soon as possible. Not that I can blame the poor little zombie-shoppers.

Yesterday there was me and another woman in the fitting rooms. I know what your thinking, why two? Well, let me explain; a person comes in with, (yesterday 22!), items to try on. Well the clothes don't go back on the hangers the way they came in. So I have to put them back on the correct sized garment goes on the correct size hanger, button up all the buttons, zip all the zippers, and put it on the correct rack, in the correct place. Now per rack there can be as many as 15 different categories for a piece of clothing to go into. I also have to count each item and hand them a plastic card, and recount them again after they come back out. After all is said and done, at the end of the day I have to clean up the fitting rooms, top to bottom, then go help with the rest of the store's recovery item to go back on the shelves and racks. Whew! Now you know why sometimes it takes two ladies to work the fitting rooms. Now you are smarter than a few minutes ago. Why couldn't "Take you kid to work" day be like this. Quick and Easy. I'll go 'into' cashiering another day.

So what does everyone want for Christmas?! * rummaging through Santa's bag * Let's see now * practically climbing into it * I see something for Rachael - ouch! That's sharp! Here's one for Selina - oooh she's gonna really be "orgasmic" over that! he he. Oooh Mine! Oh now that's exactly what I wanted!!! ^_^. Hmm, oh Kara's is here too, wow, wait till she see this, she's gonna laugh! Now where is one for Kim... aha here it is, What an odd looking package, smells nice! Oh and here's one for Leah, now that is really nice, I must say! Funny I can't find one for Piper... oh wait here's a note:

Dear Annie,

Stop looking through my Big Red Bag! Or you'll get a piece of coal for Christmas!

Love Santa.

*Annie !O.O!* Yipes! *drops the bags and runs away, comes back and grabs her present and then runs away. The present in her hot little hands turns into a piece of coal 'POOF'* NUTZ!!!

Okay back to reality. Which is boring by the way. So I've got some new silly conversations posted in Raoul's Attic for those brave enough to go read, enjoy.

Stay warm my friends.

Annie ~.~

*walks away muttering to herself about coal*
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