I ended up buying Beverly Tatum's "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?", despite already having borrowed it from the library because a) I wanted something to read in line while I waited to get a seat for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and b) I want to financially support books like these and authors who tackle the subject of
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Yes, because that's what all conversations about race and racism boil down to. Thanks for pointing that out!
Anyway. About those pesky tanned black cannibals, I would strongly suggest you read this: http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096410746, if you want to be just a wee bit more informed.
Yes, funny how anti-Semitic remarks like yours make Jews see anti-Semitism.
Y'know, that's *exactly* what the problem is with racism. It's not *personal*, it's about this category that one can't change.
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