Clamp in Wonderland 2's bible review

Oct 31, 2007 14:45

I'm definitely not going to scan the bible, but I can do a review of its contents (the three digit numbers are the page number in the book).

Clamp in Wonderland 2 1995~2006

003 - Clamp in Wonderland 2's character presentation
13 color pages with 6 screen shot a page, naming the different characters in the second clip and sometimes commenting the action in between.

017 - Main part's e-konte
Mokona's e-konte. The differences I can spot with the actual clip goes as follow:
The xxxHolic part is unchanged. Next, God!Mokona appear earlier in the MKR scene and split united Rayearth into Windam, Rayearth and Selece at "action!". The Magic Knights wave the mokona good bye, then they meet falling Kobato. Instead of falling out of sight, Chun'yan and Muron rescue her with the flying tiger. Shirahime pass them on her wolf. Little Kohaku, Hisui and Kokyou fly pass them and the mokona follow them as they get to both Shuuichirou. Big Kouryuu, Hari and Ruri appear, they start a fight with Kohaku, but "PoN", the demons get little and the angel big. The three archangels, Touki, Ryuuki and Ranshou are looking the scene, unempressed. The scene change to Chobits workout, which doesn't last that long, then ballons pass before them as 20 mensou and Utako float to the students concil where Akira run to be in the concil picture. The Duklyon then smash the wall behind and pose with Erii and Kotobuki as Nokoru put on sunglasses and officer coat. The Rg Veda scene is unchanged. In the Gohou Drug one, no Asou and Hinata, but Ojirou and Tamayo are standing in the street as Miyuki pass by. Tokyo Babylon scene unchanged. In the Angelic Layer scene, there's cut with black Mokona and Misaki in the Deus seat with the referee starting the fight. The Clover scene is pretty much the same besides that Ran and Gingetsu are seen in one more cut. In the X World, there were so much more people. The fourteen of them were siting at a long table, the chi no ryuu facing the ten no ryuu. At the far end, Fuuma and Kamui. The rest goes almost the same, without the cameo for the detectives, the Duklyon and Miyuki. The CCS + TRC scene was not changed. They get back through a tankoubon Hinata is holding, Tomoaki, Asou and Kizu are behind her. The Mokona turn back and see the book shelves.

051 - Main part's storyboard
The storyboard are production sketches with some comments beside.

087 - Ending e-konte
Nekoi's e-konte. Pretty much the same, but they added the background stuff (the monkeys, the bhushes, etc.)

095 - Clamp in Wonderland 2's interviews
Clamp (096)
Masuhara Mitsuyuki (101)
Katou Hiromi (105)
Maruyama Masao (109)

112 - Clamp in Wonderland 2's credit

Clamp in Wonderland

114 - Clamp in Wonderland's character presentation
Same as for the CiW2 part.

121 - Main part's e-konte
Morio's e-konte. Some cut have been biffed out, but it's pretty much the same as the clip we know.

147 - Main parts storyboard
Mokona's storyboard, which is something like production sheets. The first part is the same. Some cut out for the Rg Veda scene, but pretty much the same. For the TB one, Subaru and Hokuto have their ceremonial outfits. In X, some close up where cut. The Magic Knights were back on their feet when Akira was abducted. Nokoru is abducted too, then the flying star's passengers meet Shirahime and Chun'yan. This one change her earing into a sword she throws it at Ashura who grow up and do a malicious glance at the camera before Yasha took him off screen. We then see the Dukalyon transforming before Erii and Nokoru join them. Same as the actual scene, but with more close up. The scene change as Subaru and Kamui stand up on skyscrapers, Subaru sommun fugus and Kamui counter back with MKR!Hikaru and RV!Ashura who appear from under his cloak. Change of scene, Miyuki runs followed by her crowd. She runs to a bathing pool where all the Clamp girls are, naked or wearing only towels, everybody get mad and the camera is broken. When the image come back, we have Kanoe next to the cityhall. She has a Barbarella kind of costume and the word joou-sama, empresse, appear behind her. Kendappa-Ou, Hokuto and Sashi appear behind her and they all start to "ohohohohohoho" together. We then get to the Jojo bizarre adventure stuff and the theater ovation.

227 - Ending e-konte
Morio's e-konte. Same as the actual clip.

231 - Clamp in Wonderland's interviews
Clamp (232)
Asaka Morio (236)
Takahashi Kumiko (240)

242 - Clamp in Wonderland's credit
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