Cool pictures. I think that the Sloughi is a Saluki and the working collie is a border collie or one of the foundation breeds of border collies. I know that in England, many times border collies are called Working Collies.
There was one that was a Saluki/Sloughi mix - I thought anyway. It looks like a Saluki though - the photo where it is just a pure Sloughi. Strange name.
"working collie" is the term used in the UK for an unregistered border collie. So generally the same dog, just that somewhere along the line somebody didn't bother with papers.
It's amazing how some breeds have changed in 100 years and others virtually not at all. The Low Chen "lion dog" got popular on the East coast when I was back there. People were trying to bring it back. ML
Love the old dog photos. The GSD looked so much better back then, In general I think most breeds looked better in the past, more utility and less fluff.
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