Photo by
kitling (c) 2006
January 25, 1968 - January 28, 2007
Aveline, or Ave (which ironically means 'Hail'), was not much younger than I am. That is to say she was young. Only in her late 30's. In that short time she affected so many people around her the numbers are hard to count.
From her time 'working' in the mid 80's, her constant and consistent involvement in the punk and alternative music and lifestyle scenes, her constant struggle and activism for equality in the sex-industry for both male and female sex-workers, her tireless times with SWOP, especially in Canberra. She was a punk, who loved pink. That alone flew her banner of diversity, everything else was pink frosting on a very fulfilling and diverse cake.
I've known her for so many years. Since I was living in Canberra, way back then, I knew her well. Although at that time, not as well as later years. We had many MANY things in common, we shared a lot and she helped me turn some things about myself around. She helped me accept some things about myself which I had issues with, and for that alone I will be eternally grateful (and yes, I was fortunate enough to tell her this a few years back). We shared interests, 'lifestyle' tips, stupid drunken times, and a lot of personal things which I will forever be grateful and and feel honoured that she shared with me. We spent many many hours together over the years just talking - and I was very fortunate enough to call her a close friend.
A little while back, she moved to Melbourne, and whenever she was in Sydney we caught up. We tried to make it happen whenevr she was in town. It was a kind of pact. "Weird-ass fucks like us need to stick together..." she'd say, "We're some of the only normal people we know...". and we did, as often as we could. We weren't pretentious with each other, we were just friends. Good close friends, who shared a common bond. We never got 'involved', we didn't have to. It was always there between us.
Recently, I was to catch up with her during one of her visits up to Sydney, but was working here in Canberra instead, so I missed her. I missed her. For the last time, it seems. I'm so sorry I did, as we caught up every other time she was in Sydney. She loved life - she lived life - hell, in a way she WAS life. She never grew old. Nor will she ever, although I doubt she would have anyway - she was like me, or rather - I am like her - live life, don't take shit and don't ascribe to stereotypes. 'Don't let the bastards tell you what you can and can't do'. I don't, she didn't. I think we taught each other that.
Aveline, suffered an aneurysm on her birthday. Though rallying briefly, she didn't recover. Her life-support was turned off this morning and she passed away very quickly thereafter. She is survived by her family... the one she chose. She leaves behind a legacy of so many people whose lives she joined and were a part of. She was 39.
I wish I was there with her other friends in Melb right now at Big Day Out. They'll Dance up a storm for her. I'll be there in spirit. Thank you for being a part of my life. A part more important than I could ever have explained.... but I think you already knew that.
Look out up there, muthafukkas! She's on her way to shake you up!! Listen to her, she's wiser than the lot of you put together!
I will miss you, Ave, badly.