Title: Gobsmacked
Summary: Ron Weasley never saw it coming. An antidote to all those Sexgod!Ron 'first time' fics, in five chapters.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Chapter One
Ron Weasley was not enjoying his pudding. That didn’t stop him from finishing it, of course; regardless of whether it tasted like straw and sand, it was pudding, after all.
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Comments 7
It was as nice to read the second time through as it was the first. :)
I am always thrilled when people come back for a second helping. This was my love letter to Ron Weasley.
Thanks for reading!
I'm so glad to have found it again here! :D
Edited to add: Wait...where are the other chapters?
Also, this: Voldemort had assumed that anyone who was willing to let a companion suffer would not be a threat to him, or would certainly not be on the side of light.
What a great plot device. I think that's really well thought out and completely logical.
On to the next chapter.
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