Title: The Immortals Try Blueberry Pie
Pairings: Miles/Richard, Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2,203
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Apple pie at one in the morning would just be ridiculous.
A/N: This started life as a WIP that has been languishing on my computer forever, but
pann_cake’s awesome Five Acts prompts inspired me to finish it for her.
They pull up in front of an all-night diner with a neon red light flickering in the rain like a beacon promising greasy burgers and at least eleven different flavors of pie. )
Comments 3
This is amazing! I vaguely remember this scenario, and I'm so glad you finished it because it is quite literally the best thing ever.
Aw,” Miles says. “Does this mean we’re going steady?”
“It means I don’t want you to die.”
HEEE. These two are beyond cute. I love Miles fanboying over the Impala, because he totally would.
And the whole confrontation between all the boys was just gold. Cas fumbling with the FBI badge, and Richard and Miles knowing Dean is lying, and of course this little gem:
“I have a proposition for you,” Miles says.
“Sorry, man, I don’t play for your team.”
“That’s too bad,” Miles smirks. “But that’s not what I was talking about. See, I promised my friend here blueberry pie, he’s never tried it. But you handsome fellows bought the last two slices.”
OH MILES, you are such a flirt. <33 And I love how quickly it escalted into Dean holding Richard at gunpoint and all of them knowing that something is weird about the others. And this:
but if you decide to ( ... )
This fic is now my happyplace. TRUFAX. XDD
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