Found this on a friend's lj

Aug 30, 2008 16:53

I wondered how many of these questions I could answer. Some I totally fudged on. I don't know how I could have married a man without even knowing what his favorite cereal is! Read more to find out what else I don't know.

1. They are watching TV. What are they watching?
Funniest  videos. Because it is always on no matter what time of day it is.

2. You're out to eat. What kind of dressing do they get on their salad?
Doesn't like salad

3. What's one food this person doesn't like?
Salad and anything with cilantro

4. You go out to the bar. He/she orders......
Ale and/or a mixed drink he has never tried before

5. Where did he/she go to high school?
Didn't. Went to college instead

6. What size shoe do they wear?
Hmmm. Big?

7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be...
Cables--lots and lots of electronic cables.

8. What is their favorite type of sandwich?
He often gets cheese steak or a reuben

9. This person could eat ______ every day.

10. Favorite cereal?
Don't know. Philip does not eat a lot of cereal

11. This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing?
a girly thing in his hair

12. Favorite sports team?
Doesn't have one

13. Who will he/she vote for?
Usually a democrat

14. What is their sign?

15. What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't?
Talk about camping

16. How many states has this person lived in?
Just one

17. What is his/her heritage?

18. You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind do you bake?
Chocolate or carrot--or chocolate carrot maybe.

19. Did he/she play sports in high school?

20. This person could spend hours...
On the computer

21. He/She wants a new...

22. The CD I would probably find in their vehicle is...
What Vehicle? By the Carless Wonders.

23. What can you do that will guarantee a laugh from him/her?
Say that I'm fat

24. Does he/she get along well with their family?
He does as long as they don't bring up the subject of his thesis.

25. If money weren't an object, I would buy him/her...
A new computer
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