Title: Angels and Demons
Author: Dan Brown
Genre: Thriller (?)
Summary: Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is shocked to find proof that the legendary secret society, the Illuminati--dedicated since the time of Galileo to promoting the interests of science and condemning the blind faith of Catholicism--is alive, well, and murderously active.
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Comments 10
It was a good read. I couldn't put it down until I finished it.
Don't let John see this review, though.
btw, do you think John could've been a secret Illuminati...Branding us with such iron fist and the white hot deadly glares and all...
Though he does claim himself a Catholic, but there's always the chance of... the rest i can't type for he might have already have his eyes on me since i made this post. Grrrrgh, he's like the evil eye of Mordor...
Think about it. Where does he get the money to buy Tiffany rings from his measly teacher's salary? Answer: THE VOLTURI.
And why is he so good at the martial arts? His super vampire strenght!
What's in his protein shakes? Blood!
I bet he sparkles in sunlight.
Or remove the comments concerning a certain persona.
As in, the illuminati/volturi.
It was more at the author.
Pls excuse my behaviour.
To quote Brad Pitt. Gwar-Zee, Gwaaar-Zeeeeee~
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