(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 02:00

10 Real Random Facts about You

10. Foreign language registers as a fun pastime for me.
9. Kind of a Russophile
8. Tourettes syndrome
7. Insane obsession with female vocal lisps
6. Insane obsession for any chronic mispronunciation of English language
5. Fencer
4. Can’t watch a scary movie and sleep in the same night
3. Red hair is poisonously alluring
2. My every action is dictated by the pursuit of cute girls (who I’m too shy to talk to)
1. Sometimes I act like I’m foreign to get girls’ attention.

9 Ways To Win My Heart

9. Make it seem safe for me to talk to you (if it looks like you are going to eat men for breakfast I’m not going over there).
8. Laugh
7. be cute and smiley almost to the point of being annoying
6. Play with my hair (its angora rabbit soft and I purr.)
5. Tolerate my love of bad movies
4. Tolerate me watching them in French.
3. Let me put my arm around you, or hold your hand (lack of physical contact is maddening)
2. Special smile
1. Speak with a lisp

8 Things I Wear/Carry Everyday

8. Cell phone
7. Wallet
6. Sunglasses (even though I lose them all the time)
5. MP3 player
4. Socks (hate flip flops)
3. KSC badge (stupid summer job)
2. KSC international camp shirt (stupid summer job!)
1. Pair of benign tumors in upper right tibia.

7 Things That Annoy Me

7. People who suck at their job and don’t even try to improve themselves (stupid summer job co-workers!)
6. People (especially Americans) who assume that foreign language is not important because everyone should speak what they do. (Remember more people speak Chinese than English worldwide.)
5. Bureaucracy
4. Being fired from my RA job for “not showing a commitment to multiculturalism” (went in to the boss and said this is NOT true in four languages, didn’t make any difference.) (Aka being discriminated against for being white)
3. My laptop that sucks
2. People who assume they are in charge because they are older than you (when they clearly share your rank, and their ideas clearly don’t work). (Stupid summer job!!!!)
1. my own OCD

6 Places I've Visited
6. Alaska (born there)
5. Canada
4. Britain
3. Florida to Pennsylvania east coast
2. Washington to California west coast
1. California to Florida southern border

5 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
5. Speak 5 languages competently
4. Be a doctor
3. Get married/ have kids
2. Visit Russia
1. get over crippling shyness

4 Things I'm Afraid Of

4. Talking to the fairer sex
3. The dark
2. Not getting into medical school
1. Sharks

3 Things I Do Everyday

3. Bathe
2. Randomly go into fencing-stance
1. Check Emails

2 Things I'm Trying Not to Do Now

2. Sleep
1. Aggravate pulled muscle

1 Person I Would Like To See Now
1. You know who


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