No spoilers for future episodes.
I think Supernatural is just about the only show that can make me cry. Watching this episode was like being in a windstorm--that feeling of not being able to breathe, and afterwards it takes you awhile to get your breath back completely. It's a complete mindfuck. There was just so much to process. Angels dying. Uriel being a traitor. Anna just being there. Castiel being Castiel and doubty. Alastair, that magnificent bastard. SAM AND DEAN. DEAN AND SAM. I don't even know where to begin.
The imagery of the angel's wings was pretty. I totally wish I had the power to turn off car alarms like Castiel did, it'd be pretty useful...if I was a car thief. Oh and I found it interesting that the place was set up like a great big car pile-up yet there's only one body. Unless I'm crazy, there are no bodies in any of the cars or anything. Oh and that pose and dress color looks so familiar...too familiar...but seeing the whole episode, I guess it was a red herring.
Or is it? Plus instead of being on a ceiling in a home, she's exactly opposite, outside and on the ground.
Sam and Dean driving back from Pamela's funeral. Dean is being all gloom and doom, feeling guilty about Pamela. Sam has become more like Dean, more into the job and he was even driving the car. Then they get to motel Chuckles and Cas (are there quotas they need to fill with certain words: Cas, douchebag, bitch...) are there. I'm glad to see Dean get angry. Who can blame him? Uriel is a complete dick. Castiel wasn't really backing him up (and that's a problem because he's taking that role since Sam is being very unreliable at the moment). The angels themselves don't know the whole story. He just came back from a funeral and they already want him to do a job. Torture, no less. And then when they disappear and Sam's left alone his reaction...well it's always odd to see him angry.
Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison? And the delivery of that line was spectacular. I wonder what kind of jokes angels make...What did one demon say to other demon? I don't know, what? Nothing because they were both smote. Hilarious!
Castiel is feeling emotions! Towards his human charges! Towards Dean (The Cas/Dean fangirls are having a field day I bet)! Truthfully it's more about Castiel moving into Sam's brotherly role. That's what Dean needs and Sam's being all shady elsewhere. Although because I am a girl and a fan of things, my mind will always move to homoerotic happenings. Always even when I don't want it to. It's part of the package.
Ok I love Alastair but I can't understand half the things he says. And it's especially important in a torture scene to know what the victim's saying. At any rate, what a creep. And I don't know how I feel about Dean being creative with torture. Impressed? A little. Horrified? Maybe. Hot and bothered? No comment.
Going after John Winchester? Classic way to get to Dean. Daddy's little girl? That was cold. Then add to the fact that they wanted John to open the first seal instead of Dean. And John lasted almost 100 years without breaking and Dean only lasted 30 out of his 40?
I wish I could do that map spell Ruby did. I'd use to find things I lost in the apartment and around town. I just want to know how they'd figure that Dean was nearby. The angels didn't mention it. Unless they did the same spell before this one with a bigger map which doesn't make sense. Whatever.
Sam...that was gross. And a little sexy. And very very very very wrong. Extremely wrong. And it made me cry. Ruby's expression describes the wrongness of this situation. She's got him where she wants him and he's too stubborn to see past thinking he needs his powers to help people. Never mind he didn't need the powers all those years before he got them. I'm not angry at Sam, just severely disappointed. I'm not sure if demon blood is better than the speculation that it was sex. Sexing it up with a demon is bad enough but drinking demon blood is what got everybody into this mess (even if that wasn't your fault, Sam). {{I so did not notice Ruby calling him Sammy the first time watching it.}}
The scene right after that one made me cry even harder. In fact, I'm tearing up right now thinking about it. Damnit. Just seeing Dean carving up hurt my heart.
I was kinda hoping that Anna would be the bad guy. I mean the pipe started dripping when she appeared. I just want to see her go away, permanently. At least she is better as an angel than a human. Plus I kinda wanted Sam or Dean to kill Uriel. Although a human killing an angel would not come across well to the other angels. I still don't trust her.
There was lot of blood spitting in this episode. A lot.
Dean broke the first seal. And he's apparently the only one who could stop it. I'd never get out of that hospital bed if I were him. Ever.
I could see why Castiel might have taken awhile to realize Dean was in trouble. He wasn't exactly watching wholeheartedly and frankly when people are being tortured I'm guessing they all sound the same to normal thinking people.
Also, Castiel where the hell did you learn to fight? Because frankly your skills are lacking. Take off your accounting trenchcoat if it's too heavy, lol. And can I say how shallow I am because when Alastair was about to send Castiel back to heaven, all I could think was "what about his pretty face? He can't get back in that body if he leaves!!" Completely shallow.
Castiel's WTF face during Sam's torture session with Alastair was the same as mine. Except I had tears in my eyes from before. Sam can kill demons. That just blew my mind. And his face while he was killing Alastair...scared the crap out of me. Especially since right after that Sam's in the hospital with Dean looking like his old self. I did like the part when Sam and Castiel were arguing, Cas started getting too emotional, realized it and then went back to his good old monotonous self. It was adorable.
The parallels between Sam and Dean & Uriel and Castiel are great. I'd go into if I could think straight especially since this is taking me forever to write. (I started writing this at like 11am.
Uriel is a Lucifer fanboy, lol.
Sam's comment about Dean not being strong enough and Dean telling Castiel that he can't stop the apocalypse isn't any sign of weakness. It's a sign of being human. Dean is the most human character the show has. Sam's looking down on it because he's turning demonic. He can't see past the power he's gained. He's been on this path for a while, a path of trying to make himself better. He has his good intentions but Sam is ambitious. Castiel still doesn't understand because he has the faith that angels have. The absolute faith that Dean used to hold for John Winchester. That's why it makes sense for Dean to relate to Castiel.
Sam and Dean have enough angst to land 10 full-grown men into mental institutions. How they can walk around around and function?