Updated by Yasu - Dec. 12th @ 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 8:00pm
[KURA'YAS] YASU - #035
December 12th (Sat) 12:00pm * UP
This is my view that I had from the room I stayed at in Guam (shy face) (heart) (picture of his view from the room in Guam)
[KURA'YAS] YASU - #036
December 12th (Sat) 4:00pm * UP
I went to a combini in Guam (smile)
Then, there was a small section for magazines for adults, haha
Next to that, there was an extremely mysterious combination, haha (picture of bananas next to the section of magazines) This is clearly not the right place to put this~ haha
[KURA'YAS] YASU - #037
December 12th (Sat) 8:00pm * UP
In a restaurant~
in Guam~
There was something like this (shy face)
It's huge, haha (picture of a big tabasco bottle, bigger than his sunglasses)
Do all of you know about a game called "Tomodachi Collection" on Nintendo DS? Well, recently I purchased a DS and the first and only game I bought is this "Tomo-Colle." It's basically a game where you make many friends/people and have them live on your "island" and become friends, lovers, couples, etc.
I have made many of my friends and co-workers so far, and among them... I have made a few extra "friends" hahaha.
Note: "Subako" and "Sho-chan" are girls, LOL. Hina and Ohkura (aka Narushima-san) were toughest to create. They don't have many special facial features... at least those that are in the system!! I made two Shotas because, well... he's too cute <3 haha "Sho-chan" (girl) and "Sunamura-kun" (boy) versions!!