Paana Play Photo Giveaway - Rules

Jun 30, 2014 22:25

Paana Play Photo Giveaway

Information and Rules

The following is basically a list of things I would personally be curious about if I was also taking part in the giveaways. There is also maybe a couple of extra things I just wanted to add too.

The Purpose

For a description of how and why I came up with this idea see THIS post.

Basically the idea of these giveaways is to increase our connectedness within the fandom. I encourage everyone to take a bit of time to have a look at everyone else’s entries and make friends with those you can see a common interest. Let’s share the love!!

The Prize

Every month a new JE shop photo prize will be displayed in the giveaway post. This prize will be awarded randomly to one participant. Postage/shipping is included in the prize. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR SHIPPING EITHER!

The photos I will be using will generally be pictures of single or multiple members of NEWS. All photos will be bought from the Johhny's shop or will be from my personal collection. I will not be giving away unofficial photos! If you ever participated in my previous giveaways you'll know that I used to have giveaways for other johnny's groups too (Mostly KAT-TUN). Sorry to my dedicated Hyphen participants of the past, it's no longer manageable for me to do both groups.

Who Can Enter

Basically any JE fangirl can enter.

Do be warned though, if you have an empty journal I may treat you with suspicion. Only active fangirls/boys please.

It really does not matter if you are a direct fan of the subject of each giveaway, you can enter anyway.  I won’t be discriminating by how much you truthfully or claim to love the person in the picture.

How to enter

Simply reply in a comment to the give-away post in the format provided. If it’s not in the correct format I will forgive you, but it will make it easier for me to read if you use it.

Comments Marked as Spam
Never fear, I am aware that LJ like to mark any comment with a link as spam. I always check the "suspicious comments" and allow them all. So if your message ends up as spam, it's safe to just leave it there, but if you are worried feel free to send me a message or to leave a short comment on this rules post.

The Challenges

Obviously it would be boring to simply give the photos away. The challenge is designed to either open up conversation between fangirls or to do something that will brighten ours or another’s day. The challenge may or may not directly relate to the object of the picture (it will relate somehow, but from my point of view so it may not relate in your views lol)

The challenge/question that is required for participation in the prize drawing will be clearly labelled as such. They aren’t intended to take up a LOT of your time and you are welcome to make them as detailed as you wish.

The ONLY requirement is, if the challenge is to answer a question, make your response at least 20 words long.

Timing of the giveaways

A give-away will take place once a month for as long as I have photos on hand and/or as long as I can afford to continue doing it. I can't guarantee that I'll keep tightly to a schedule, but I will do my best to keep them going.

The entries will be open for a certain period of time depending on how difficult the question/challenge is. The final date and time for the entry will be clearly displayed in Japanese time on each post. Once the time is up I will  will have a big CLOSED written at the top of the entry. If you post after this date unfortunately you will not be included in the giveaway.


EVERYONE who enters will be put into a random drawing. I will use a random number generator to decide on the winner.

To increase fairness, no-one will be allowed to win twice in a row. If you win the month before you are welcome to comment and join in, but you won’t be included in the drawing. EDIT: There is one exception to this rule. If you win one giveaway, and the next giveaway is a special event, you may participate. However, the week following that, you MUST sit out. If you win a prize in the second giveaway, you will be excluded from the next 2 giveaways following. You must send a PM to the mod if you wish to employ this exception.

I will inform the winner via PM that they have won and ask for their address. If they do not respond within 3 days I will re-draw the prize.


You will not be charged for shipping.
Of course you have to be willing to tell me your postal address so that I can send the photo if you win. If you don’t want to divulge your address but still want to participate, feel free, just make sure to put a note on your entry stating this.

Photos will be sent via standard air mail.

Unfortunately, if it gets lost in the mail I will not be able to re-send. Unfortunately in the 10 giveaways I did prior to starting this community, 1 photo did go missing. It's entirely possible and I deeply apologise if this happens. Depending on my circumstances I may consider re-sending but that is not a certainty.

Summary Posts

A summary post will be made a short while after each giveaway. These posts will mostly the winner.

I will then complete the challenge I set, myself (it’s only fair considering some of the things I have in mind for you all). That way, I know the challenges are within reason if I am willing to complete them myself for no chance of reward.

In the past I added a final part to my summary. The final part of my summary post was mention particular answers to the challenges that I found intriguing, include my views on these entries and then my ideas about the discussion point (if there is one). I may or may not write a full summary. These were the most time consuming part of my giveaways in the past so I will only do so if time permits. Sorry to anyone that actually enjoyed reading my rambling.


If you have any questions not answered anywhere above. Please comment here and I’ll be happy to respond.

NOTE: I tend to use the word fangirl a lot…. when I say it I also mean to include fanboys as well. Sorry for the discrimination but it’s just so much easier to say the one and there really are a lot more fangirls then fanboys. Forgive me *bows*

admin ramblings, rules

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