mm... whats with the LaRouche people on campus... they are unbelievably annoying. I wish they would get into a lovely mele with the college republicans and kill/maim each other, thus ridding us of 2 nuissances. *sigh* what happened to the good old days of resolving conflicts with violence?
As for the rest of the day? been stuck in alan reading an interesting lj i found..
I think ill go to my fencing lesson now.. nothing better than a good lesson to loosen me up for studying and ...chapter... ugh
welp, she gave me her cell number... as part of a boradcast email.. my address was the last one on it, and everyone else on it I think was viet. go figure, intentionally give me her cell number...hint? yes. am i going to bite? no. She has my number too, and my email, and its HER turn. Id like to think that there is some degree of interest on her part, and if shes not going to show it, than im better off without her.
How incredibly unproductive to be constantly thinking about potential significant others. This stage of the dating game im in has got to be the most anoying and time consuming of all. its NOT fun. especially if you arent looking just to f***k around, but rather meet someone with whom to start something that might have a future. Its good that im seeing ppl tho, its helping me thorough that 12 step process of erradicating *her from my soul. Im only halfway there, but its so much better than it was a month ago. Good thing that she finally figured out what she wanted and what she did not.. to bad it was this way. Sad that when you think theres love...there really isnt, for love is something mutual. Annyway. the good thing is that im moving along, and have other ppl on my mind.. nothing comparable, but certainly something to keep my mind all too busy with the inconsequentialness of it all.
School... quarter is winding down, i have a TON of papers to write for ad hoc honors credit, and id better get on it tonight and at least get one done by tomorrow, and get about 2 to 3 done a week. This quarter has just become exponentially harder. at least im turning in a few policies. It feels good to be selling insurance to people. Its such a meaningfull product in the sense that when there is a catastrophe...things dont get THAT out of hand because at least theres money, something to build on. Its not like you loose your significant other, your children are left fatherless, and on TOP of that you are destitute... Besides, its a great investment in the sense that it is tax free money that grows with compound interest and can be pulled out at any time with no penalties whatsoever! shit.. back to the salesman pitch. whatever.. i enjoy it.
I miss having the dog climb on my bed... she used to crawl under the covers and nuzzle next to me (like a furry waterbottle), and then she would climb out when it got to warm and sleep at the foot of the bed (not waking me and leaving me completely uncovered so that i woke completely FROZEN)... but ever since we have a back yard, I cant do that as often simply because I HATE flea bites... so now i only get to sleep with sammy on the days she gets a bath...
mmm.. time to go fence... i think ill get some reading done on the bus.