★ IC Permissions
☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: If your character is one that would hug, kiss a friend on the cheek or hold hands, this is fine with Relena. She tends to be friendly to anyone friendly towards her. Though, she may be a little formal about it. She is a diplomat after all.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE:Relena is a pacifist, she will not be the cause of violence or retaliate with violence. However if your character would hit her, go for it.
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: Relena finds it easy enough to make friends and even alliances with other people. However, romantic relationships would take more than a little work. Relena tends to be completely dedicated to her line of work.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: If one were to look into her mind, they would see a very calm, peaceful mind focused on her work. Relena has never dealt with telepathy before so she really has no defense against it. Though, if they were to dig deeper, they would find she's just a teenage girl just like anyone else.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Relena is healthy.There has been little to no indication of anything odd with her medical history.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS:War, weapons, fighting. If these subjects come up, be prepared for a diplomatic debate.
★ OOC Permissions
☆ BACKTAGGING:Yes please
☆ THREADHOPPING:Not a problem!
☆ FOURTHWALLING: I would rather you refrained from this please.
☆ DO NOT WANT:I am pretty much open for whatever, though if you have a question whether it would be okay, please feel free to contact me!
☆ ANYTHING ELSE?Congratulations! You won a thousand dollars and a goat!