:o I think I know what I wanna do with my life XD
I know its weird and kinda out of the blue
but someone just suggested it to me
and Ive been looking into it alot recently
and trying to remember my experiences with physical there
The problem is... where am I going to go
Theres the Lady of the Lake college down here
where itll be cheaper
I can transfer the credits I already
Probably finish everything in about a year
Be career ready
Milwaukee Tech
Id have to wait a year for qualify for WI residency
start from the very beginning
and take courses for a year then clinicals
so all in all about 2 to 3 year
.... but I'd be with ri....
They are both accredited *sigh* I dunno
I just got alot of thinking to do ._.
I went on the riverboat Natchez today for a benefit for Katrina
:D Its was fun, I got to Hand out with my aunts and my Grandma
I got a bit sick but I was fine for most of the trip
They had decent food and a really great jazz band
and on another note I have Essay due in 3 days
@.@ so tired of looking at the screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Xp
I can't really think of much to write for this goddamned paper
>.o but I will get this son of a bitch done
.... Tomorrow
And on another random note I'm seeing goblet of fire tomorrow and Batman begins is confusing when your really fuckin tired
right .... I'm gonna stop now ...