Short Term Goals:
1) Wear more long hippy skirts
2) BUY more long hippy skirts
3) Actually get in touch with freinds I havent talked to in over a year >.o
4) Talk to strangers more
6) Learn more History on my own
7) Go to more musical/Plays
8) Get control of my temper
Long Term Goals:
1) Finish with School ... permanently
2) Live By a beach or River
3) Make myself financially able to visit somewhere out of country once a year
Weird Random Question:
If there was any class you could take again in high school what would it be?
I had a random thought coming home from school
That if I could I would love to take Ms.Potts History class
I hated it when the student teachers taught it (which they did for half the year)
But I loved it when SHE taught the class
I dunno its kinda weird but I loved the way she even taught about how people dressed and why
*shrug* I dunno random thoughts