Because we all know how well I kept to my resolutions last year!
1] Lose weight. This has been one of my resolutions for five or six years now, and here I am, chunky as ever. But I'm going to try - as much as I can before I give up hope. Goal: I want to be 140 pounds by December 31, 2007.
2] Become fluent in French. I bought my Mastering French cds finally, after yearning for them for awhile. Now it's time I get off my lazy ass and work on them. Goal: Get through the first set by December 31, 2007.
3] Move. This one should be a fairly easy resolution to accomplish, since the roomie and I are planning on moving at the end of the summer. But to where? No one can decide. Goal: Find a place I won't hate living for the next two years, and go there by December 31, 2007. Or.. you know, August 1, 2007.
4] Write more. I'm a writer, aren't I? I have a degree for it. Well, this year I'm actually going to find something to do in my field, be it submitting stories to literary journals or soliciting my book, since.. I've wanted to be a writer as far back as I can remember. Goal: Write the majority of my debut novel and solicit publishers by December 31, 2007.
Four seems like a good amount to have.. any more, and I might overload myself. Can't have any over-exertion this early in the year, can we?