May 12, 2005 16:09
YES!! IM DONE NO MORE SCHOOL, PAPERS, FINALS, or TESTS, or at least till sept.
Best part, no more PHI 1000C, no more eng classes ever, and never have to take a math class again
May 10, 2005 16:22
so i can't this song out of my head, its an old song my Marcy Playground. Its called "Sex and Candy"...
what does that mean? why can't i get it out of my head?
May 10, 2005 11:58
so i just finished my calc final, the EASIEST final i have taken this semester...
tomorrow is philosophy, which SUCKS so much and then im done, at least after i write my eng paper, which won't take more than 2 hours. so, yeah, i can't wait, finally, i'll have some semblance of a life again
May 09, 2005 14:22
According to Newsweek, FPM is the 276th best high school in the nation...
May 08, 2005 00:59
im off to bed now, hopefully i'll be having wonderful dreams, hopefully involving topher grace :)
this having only about 12 hours of sleep for the past 5 days is finally getting to me. GOOD NIGHT ALL!
May 07, 2005 15:34
That was just @#$%^&*mean, vindictive, and just spiteful.
May 06, 2005 18:53
sorry, needed an online yell
May 04, 2005 20:41
okay, please someone answer this, what is it with guys and blowing hot and cold? ugh, just when i think i got this guy figured out, he goes and becomes sweet again. ugh!!! @$*#(*
May 04, 2005 01:01
someone kill me, its 1:00am and im still up studying for freaking chem. please let it be over soon and you guys got to reassure me that it will be a kick ass summer.