Gabriel Moon, I have pulled something and I blame you.
I have half a mind to take points from Slytherin for this atrocious pain in my ... everywhere.
No. More. Martial arts.
- Padma Patil
Forget being lady-like for the time being, I need to get this out.
BLOODY FUCKING ... ... well, I can't think of an ending but just know that if I could it would be in capital letters and very harsh.
Justin Finch-Fletchley?! UGH. I thought Professor Snape liked me!
Looking at this from a purely educational standpoint it's also completely unfair. I am so much better than him in Potions - he barely passed last year, if his final potion was anything to assess his marks by (I still remember how bad it was! A year later!) and I have consistently been one of the top students in his class! I even do better than half of the Slytherins, and everyone knows he boosts their marks up! There is nothing good about this. He was already an annoying blond little idiot but the fact that I'm sleeping with his boyfriend does nothing to win him any points with me. I will be so fucking lucky if I can make it through the week without killing him or myself.
Why couldn't I be paired with someone else?? Anyone else?! I would have even taken another Hufflepuff! Zacharias Smith is quite good at Potions, and even Susan Bones - while she can simper a little bit too much for my taste - is a fundamentally sweet girl... or even better! A Ravenclaw! Terry?! Mandy?! Pansy, even! I know she doesn't do much in the way of schoolwork, but at least she's one of my best friends...
Whatever. I suppose there's absolutely nothing I can do except home that little Justin doesn't botch our work, touch Theodore in front of me, talk about Theodore in front of me, talk about touching Theodore in front of me, or anything else that might make me kill him.
...oh, fuck. When did I get so protective of Theodore?
Fucking hell, this just makes it all worse.