what the fuck?

Nov 20, 2011 07:15

audacity some how recorded another version..........

i told it to mix 1 instance, and what you got was another...oh well, the one that is good, is coming, the other one has a goodbeginning.., bt...too chaotic, it isn't even mixed, sounds good though, beginning turned out well...what the fuck happened.....didn't record...

what the fuck? crazi audaciti

[some old mix, unedited.......
sounds goodthough, i think it did partially record some parts, but didn't apply envelops, and didn't record the beginning, the best part, made the 'ill ding samples too loud....

so this recording just sounds like fuckin'radio......

o'well, rerecord, and reedit, so it applies envelopes,['ill ding should be quiet except for drums............
[again, now it just sounds like chaos and ...radio, but good....
[it sounded different and it didn't include the first 5 minutes......[the best part.........

so click on the sample from the last posting, to hear some of the samples used, ....
but i'll make sure it uses it's envelopes this time, or tube ampIIIemulation...

radio.like, REAL version coming in 1 hour, or a few minutes........
but this sounds good...
[contains a mysterious japanese piece that is uncut, ...
[but even the version i want to show you isn't finished, but is better than this..., it will have that sample cut, and those damn 'ill ding samples had envelopes when i told audaciti to record!...
maybe i'll use tube amps instead....

contains cLOUDdead, nmeumoni!nmeumoni!, 'ill ding, and the mysterious japonese piece, other version contains the curious digit and danielson famile.........and more doseone, cLOUDdead and ...i may edit out the boom bip, which i lov more than anything, but doesn't fit...
now, again, some of the envelopes arn't applied, onli the tube amps,

so it doesn't sound right, there are some samples you shouldn't even be hearing........a lot of 'ill ding....
and it makes it sound 10,000times less good, and the best part was the first 5 minutes...cut by audacity...

all apologies, a manipulated 'ill ding sample is sounding obnoxious here...he's so fucked up, "apologize"he says....he's just like fuckin'helium, noble gasious inert...

everything is eebile! hehe!fuck you...

"you did this to me!..."he says........

a baby says to the fullygrown aborted goat "you see the most eebile are the noble"they never reach ground in their gas!...
a baby never throws an exception in a constructor..!

[or an exception to an exception.....]
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