Day 17 - Five of the D-BOYS are actually a sentai group. Pick their colors.
Maakun- Red
Makki- Blue
Yuyan- Black
Adachi- Green
Taito- Purple
what? i think it makes perfect sense \o\ and i think kao and misa should draw it \o\
and no, there is no yellow in my sentai group, sorry yellow~
Day 18 - What animal represents each member?
Dont blame me if some of them might not make sense xD i wrote the 1st animal that came to mind when i thought about them!
Yuyan- Wolf
Yanagi- owl?
igarashi- bear
maakun- taakun :D
Zukki- Tiger
Araki- mysterious peacock/deer xD
Tomo- a Care Bear 8D*is killed*
Makki- horse
Usui- a hamster?xD
Mikami- Phoenix
Adachi- baby monkey <3
Ryuuki- baby panther xD
Taito- Gazelle *lol*
Yamada- cat
Horii- an obedient (and bullied by others) puppy
Day 19 - What food represents each member?
may i skip this one? i dont think i can relate all of them to food xDD
Day 20 - You see them somewhere on the street. Now what? only experience with seeing idols on the street was not nice u_u but im sure our dear dboys would be nice to us <3 and from what misa and kao say they really are <3 so i think i would gather up courage and talk to them and maybe ask for a picture or just try to talk to them for as long as possible xD or i could pretend i didnt know them and drop my purse and get them to help me and make them fall in love with me
Day 21 - You can only give them one present in your lifetime. What is it?
i dont know ... o_o this is a REEEALLY weird question....a wedding ring? hahaha xD if it's one chance in a lifetime,then i got nothing to lose!
Day 22 - Post a picture of all the D-BOYS merchandise you have.
Day 23 - Cost aside, what is one D-BOYS thing you wished you owned?
Day 24 - Change one thing about each of the boys.
Day 25 - Which graduated member do you want to see come back?
Day 26 - How have D-BOYS changed you?
Day 27 - What would you like to see them do in the future?
Day 28 - One word that described D-BOYS.
Day 29 - Your thoughts on each member now.
Day 30 - Write a letter to the group.